CIAS work history
A chronology of the body of work from the Center for Integrated Agriculture Systems
August 27, 2021
Dairy Supply Management: New report and video
To respond to the on-going and deepening crisis faced by dairy producers, CIAS launched efforts to bring farmer voices to the policy table. Working in […]
August 20, 2021
Let’s All Crunch! Apple Crunch Webinar Series
Registration is now open for the eight annual Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch on October 14, 2021! To support you in planning your best Crunch […]
July 28, 2021
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2021 Status Report
Wisconsin is a national leader in organic agriculture, not only in the number of certified organic farms and processors within the state, but also with respect to the diversity of organic products raised and sold.
July 22, 2021
New Fall Course, “Organic Livestock and Pasture Management”, open to the public
*NEW* An Sci/Dy Sci 375 – Organic Livestock and Pasture Management, 3 credits (or non-for credit, open to the public option) Open to undergraduate and […]
June 7, 2021
“Lessons from COVID-19” webinar, June 17th
Lessons from COVID-19: Positioning Regional Food Supply Chains for Future Pandemics, Natural Disasters and Human-made Crises presents a new virtual webinar opportunity on June 17th, […]
April 6, 2021
Please join us for the 17th Annual Ride to Farm on June 5th 2021!
The ride will start and end at Birch Lake Park, Barneveld. Rider check-in begins at 7:45am and riders depart at 8:30am! Visit the Ride to […]
April 5, 2021
Webinar: Planning Democracy
Join CIAS and the students of Agroecology 702 Thursday April 8 for a special guest lecture by UW Professor Emeritus Jess Gilbert on his book Planning Democracy: Agrarian Intellectuals and the Intended New Deal.
April 1, 2021
The Next Normal: Restructuring Food Supply Chains
Register for live session April 15, 3:30 central. As part of a series on Covid-19 & the Food System: Understanding Impacts & Exploring Solutions, CIAS […]
February 10, 2021
COVID-19 Food Systems Survey
Tell us your story! Take this short survey to help us understand the impact of COVID-19 on your food business.
February 9, 2021
2021 Call for CIAS Mini-grant Proposals – due Mar. 15
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) invites graduate student applications for our summer mini-grant program, which is made possible through a generous donation from […]
December 7, 2020
UW–Madison CIAS part of new USDA-funded collaborative project to study U.S. food flows
Researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are participating with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in a cooperative […]
UW–Madison, CIAS involved in USDA project about pandemic’s impact on food systems
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) is part of a UW-Madison team awarded a USDA multi-region, multi-institution research and outreach project to assess the […]
November 24, 2020
Effects of grassland bird nesting refuges on pasture forage quality and yield (CIAS Research Brief 103)
Well-managed pastures on livestock farms can provide high-quality habitat for grassland bird species that are declining in number, especially if areas within the pasture acreage […]
Grant supports expanding supply chains for regional grains to local cafeterias
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) at UW-Madison was awarded a grant through the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s Farmers Market Promotion Program for a […]
October 19, 2020
Indigenous food sovereignty in Wisconsin
CIAS Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) meeting member Dan Cornelius gave a presentation on tribal food systems in Wisconsin at the group’s August 24, 2020 meeting. […]
October 1, 2020
Wisconsin Cover Crops Research and Outreach Project (2017-2022)
The Wisconsin Cover Crops Research and Outreach Project (CCROP) is a collaborative effort on the efficacy of cover crops on Upper Midwest dairy, livestock, grain […]
September 15, 2020
COVID-19 Update
As part of the rapidly changing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CIAS office is closed until further notice. Staff are working remotely through until […]
September 4, 2020
Composting Manure and Bedding Reduces Potential Soil and Phosphorus Loss (CIAS Research Brief 102)
Their study found that composting is a viable way to reduce phosphorus runoff losses from livestock operations with bedded pack manure.
CIAS 2019-20 Annual Report
The CIAS 2019-2020 Annual Report describes our activities to advance sustainable agricultural and food systems. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, we immediately […]
June 2, 2020
Dairy Supply Management: Presentation by Torsten Hemme
Dr. Hemme discusses approaches to balancing supply and demand, both in short-term, emergency situations and at the longer-term, structural level.
March 27, 2020
Price Tags/Cost Tags
Recently updated Price Tags/Cost Tags illustrate the environmental, social and health costs behind chicken, dairy products, eggs, hamburgers, potatoes, apples and tomatoes.
March 21, 2020
New Livestock Compass Spreadsheet Available
Compass Tools are designed to help growers improve on-farm decision making and financial farm planning. A new and improved Livestock Compass spreadsheet is now available for meat and egg producers on CIAS’s Compass Toolbox website.
March 17, 2020
COVID-19 Update
As part of the rapidly changing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CIAS office is closed. Staff are working remotely.
March 11, 2020
CANCELLED: Get the Dirt Dinner: Empowering Local Growers
Join F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture in dinner and conversation about agricultural education and participatory development with PhD candidate Laura Livingston. Laura’s Peace Corps […]
February 14, 2020
CIAS Mini-Grant Applications due Friday
CIAS summer mini-grants support UW-Madison graduate students doing research aligned with our priority areas.
January 30, 2020
Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference
Farmers and agricultural professionals from around the state are coming together to share and learn about all things cover crops. Whether you’re a seasoned cover […]
January 21, 2020
Register for CIAS Beginning Grower Schools
CIAS is hosting schools for aspiring cut flower and apple growers this spring.
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
Flowers are a crop that can be profitably grown on a small plot of land. Successful operations require savvy marketing, astute pricing and efficient methods […]
Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers
The Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers, a three-day workshop for people wanting to start an orchard business, will be offered March 6-8 on the […]
November 18, 2019
Comparing Apples to Apples
The goal of the Apples to Apples Project was to help hard cider growers—and makers—select apple varieties for a high-quality, artisanal product. To accomplish this, researchers compared the results of laboratory analysis and tastings of single-varietal ciders to identify desirable flavor characteristics.
November 15, 2019
CIAS 2018-19 Annual Report
In 2018-19, CIAS engaged in participatory research driven by the needs of small and medium Wisconsin farms and related businesses. Not only does this participatory approach help us identify potential research projects, it also humanizes the stark statistics that chronicle the enduring agricultural crisis.
November 5, 2019
Whose Food, Whose Land? Conversation on Global Food Sovereignty
Please join the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology and UW-Madison Global Health Institute – GHI for a panel discussion on global food sovereignty, followed […]
October 29, 2019
Organic pasture management and soil health
Materials and videos from CIAS “train the trainer” events on organic dairy pasture management are available!
October 24, 2019
MOSES Organic Farming Conference
The MOSES Organic Farming Conference is the largest event in the U.S. about organic and sustainable farming, offering workshops, inspiring keynotes, engaging roundtables, and a […]
2020 Organic Vegetable Production Conference
Connect with experienced vegetable growers from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa at this producer-initiated event grounded in farmer-to-farmer skill sharing. Farmer panelists representing small-, […]
Wisconsin Farmers Union Convention
Wisconsin Farmers Union’s annual gathering is headed to Central Wisconsin this year, with a new and improved schedule that promises grassroots engagement and plenty of […]
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
The Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference is a three-day event that provides educational programming for growers of fresh produce including apples, berries, grapes and […]
2020 OGRAIN Winter Conference
The fifth annual conference for those interested in organic grain production in the Upper Midwest will feature 25+ expert farmers, researchers and industry representatives sharing […]
GrassWorks Grazing Conference
Join GrassWorks for their 28th annual grazing conference with 40+ speakers. For more information, see the conference website.
Savanna Institute’s Perennial Farm Gathering
This year’s Perennial Farm Gathering will feature keynote speaker Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín (President and CEO of Regenerative Agriculture Alliance), panels and workshops with Midwest agroforestry experts, […]
Green Lands Blue Waters Conference
THEME: OVER, UNDER, THROUGH to CLC – strong partners, new allies, and fresh perspectives moving continuous living cover (CLC) farming forward. The way we farm […]
September 17, 2019
2019 CIAS mini-grants support eleven student research projects
The CIAS graduate student mini-grant program supports summer research projects on sustainable agriculture and food.
August 27, 2019
Principles of Managed Grazing on Organic Dairy Farms
Purpose: Learn how to manage paddock size and grazing rotations to meet the organic dairy cow’s nutritional needs. Please RSVP to Nadia Alber: or […]
Pasture Establishment, Nutrient Management and Soil Health on Organic Dairy Farms
Purpose: Learn how to establish and maintain high quality pasture for organic dairy cows. Please RSVP to Nadia Alber: or 608-265-6437 by Sept. 24, […]
How Does Organic Management on Dairy Farms Affect Pastures and Soils?
UW-Madison researchers explored whether limitations on the inputs allowed in organic farming may result in differences in plant-soil dynamics compared to conventional dairy operations, necessitating different grazing techniques. They found relevant scientific literature to be scarce.
August 21, 2019
Grant Programs and Financial Options for Farmers and Food Entrepreneurs: Iowa County
Are you looking for ways to develop your innovative agricultural business? Can farmers improve profit by capturing more from the consumer? Is expanding the farm […]
Grant Programs and Financial Options for Farmers and Food Entrepreneurs: Marshfield
Are you looking for ways to develop your innovative agricultural business? Can farmers improve profit by capturing more from the consumer? Is expanding the farm […]
Turning Grain into Dough: Farm Financial Management for Organic Grain and Crop Rotation
As of 2019 the five-year average farm gate price of organic corn in the U.S. is around $9 per bushel while the average for conventional corn has been about $3.50. Is it any wonder that some farmers are looking at what it takes to transition to certified organic production?
August 1, 2019
Special Hatch Call for Multidisciplinary Research Proposals
CIAS invites faculty in CALS and SoHE to submit multidisciplinary research projects addressing the sustainability of agricultural and food systems.
July 24, 2019
UW Organic Agriculture Research Field Day
N695 Hopkins Road, Arlington, WI This field day will highlight organic research conducted at UW–Madison, including optimizing equipment and production practices for organic no-till production; […]
Organic Vegetable Research Showcase
Please join the Seed to Kitchen Collaborative for an organic vegetable variety field day at the West Madison Agricultural Research Station, 8502 Mineral Point Road, […]
Milk with Dignity
Milk with Dignity is a worker-centered social responsibility campaign. The first of its kind in the dairy industry, Milk with Dignity defines and enacts a system of fair labor standards for milk produced for Ben & Jerry’s.
July 23, 2019
Rotationally Raised: Making Small Grains Work
Join Practical Farmers of Iowa in the beautiful Wisconsin Dells to learn about growing small grains and the benefits of an extended rotation! Twelve breakout […]
July 19, 2019
5th Annual Farm to Flavor Event
Every meal begins with a seed, and every agricultural seed carries a ten-thousand-year legacy of co-evolution between people and plants. Plant breeders dedicate their careers […]
June 5, 2019
Cover Crops on the Intensive Market Farm
This updated publication is meant to serve as a practical guide to using cover crops on small- to moderate-size fresh market vegetable operations. Cover crops are especially vital on organic vegetable farms, and the recommendations in this report are appropriate for a certified organic grower.
May 13, 2019
Let it Grow: F.H. King Rooftop Celebration
Come celebrate the end of finals and the beginning of the growing season on our rooftop garden at the Pyle Center! Join the F.H. King […]
Season Extension: Hoop Houses, Low Tunnels and Cold Frames
Learn a range of proven techniques to extend the traditional growing season through winter in the Upper Midwest. The first half of the workshop will […]
Growing Food in Urban Areas
This workshop will cover the unique opportunities and challenges in urban farming and large-scale gardening. The instructors will walk participants through farm and garden planning, […]
Container Farms: Unique Structures for Growing Vegetables
Fifteen percent of the world’s food is grown in cities, but not all of it is grown in the ground. Learn how container farms are […]
Building Community and Equity Through Urban Agriculture
Many urban farmers partner with community-based nonprofit organizations working for social justice and equitable food access. Urban agriculture is a viable strategy for building food […]
April 24, 2019
From Grain to Plate Field Day
You are invited to join the Uplands Watershed Group and Pecatonica Pride Watershed Association for a rich exploration of why small grains like wheat, barley, […]
April 11, 2019
Announcing the 2019 Market Farm Madness Champion!
Hoophouse is your 2019 Market Farm Madness champion! They withstood high winds, late snow storms and controversy over cost share payments to win the tournament.
April 9, 2019
Market Farm Madness: Championship Match-up!
Spreadsheets excelled throughout the tournament, but too many errors doomed them against the mighty Hoophouse: 63% to 37% The Walk-in Cooler waltzes into the Championship […]
April 8, 2019
New CIAS Research Brief Looks at Greenhouse Gas Emissions
UW-Madison researchers compared greenhouse gas emissions from different conventional and grazing dairy livestock systems.
Market Farm Madness: Final Four!
Like most growing seasons, this year’s Market Farm Madness tournament has been filled with raw emotion and unexpected twists.
April 5, 2019
Market Farm Madness: Elite Eight!
We are down to the Elite 8 in market Farm Madness! Here is a recap of the Sweet Sixteen results:
March 29, 2019
Market Farm Madness Round 3 (Sweet Sixteen)
From 64 hopeful tools to the Sweet Sixteen! Is your favorite still in the field?
March 28, 2019
Comparing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Dairy Systems (CIAS Research Brief #101)
Calculating greenhouse gas emissions of different farming systems is complex, and the results of each study depend on the geographic area considered and specific assumptions about management.
March 24, 2019
Market Farm Madness: Round 1 results and Round 2 voting!
There were blowouts, tight games, and upsets in round 1 of Market Farm Madness. The results are quite fun and interesting. Here are some highlights:
March 18, 2019
Market Farm Madness is back!
Our NCAA-style Market Farm Madness Tournament is the perfect diversion for people who love cool farming tools. We’ve created a bracket with 64 different tools. Now we all get to vote for our favorites so that we can thin the field down to a champion.
March 13, 2019
Food and the Wisconsin Idea: The Systems That Feed Us
The term “food system” is widely used in academia and the nonprofit sector, but what do we really mean by it? Are we using systems […]
February 28, 2019
Beginning Apple Grower Spring Field Day
Visit orchards and learn about growing and selling apples as a business. Join us to make sure you are on track for success!
February 15, 2019
We’re getting ready for the MOSES Organic Farming Conference next week. Will you be among the 3,500 people there? If so, please stop by our […]
February 7, 2019
Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference
Farmers and ag professionals from around the state are coming together to share and learn about all things cover crops. Whether you’re a seasoned cover […]
February 1, 2019
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
This two-day workshop on Feb. 16-17 helps new and beginning growers learn the ins and outs of producing and marketing cut flowers.
January 10, 2019
School for Urban Agriculture Registration
The School for Urban Agriculture is accepting registrations for its winter class, Farming in the City.
December 18, 2018
2019 Organic Vegetable Production Conference
This producer-initiated conference is built around farmer-to-farmer skill sharing and attracts experienced growers from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa and beyond. Farmer panelists representing small-, […]
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
The Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference is a three-day event that provides educational programming for growers of fresh produce including apples, berries, grapes and […]
MOSES Organic Farming Conference
The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) will host the 2019 MOSES Organic Farming Conference on February 21-23 in La Crosse, WI. This conference […]
Wisconsin Farmers Union 88th Annual State Convention
Wisconsin Farmers Union will carry on our longstanding tradition of reasoning together at our 88th State Convention. On Jan. 25-27, 2019, farmers from a variety […]
2019 GrassWorks Grazing Conference
The 2019 GrassWorks Grazing Conference will include two full days of educational workshops, a trade show and social events for the grazing community. For more […]
2019 OGRAIN Winter Conference
This fourth annual conference for those interested in organic grain production in the Upper Midwest will feature expert farmers, researchers and industry representatives sharing their […]
December 3, 2018
CIAS Director Candidate Public Presentation: Randall Jackson
The search committee for the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) Director position has announced two candidates who have been invited to give public presentations. […]
CIAS Director Candidate Public Presentation: Adena Rissman
The search committee for the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) Director position has announced two candidates who have been invited to give public presentations. […]
November 30, 2018
Q&A with Finalists for the Madison Terminal Market Feasibility Study
In February 2018, CIAS co-hosted a Madison Area Local Food Buyer & Distributor Meeting in collaboration with the City of Madison. Since then, CIAS, the […]
November 28, 2018
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
Online registration Course flyer The Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School is a two-day workshop designed to help new and beginning growers learn the ins and […]
Food and Agriculture Competition Roundtable
The American Antitrust Institute (AAI) and the University of Wisconsin Law School are pleased to present Food and Agriculture at a Crossroads: Setting Competition Priorities […]
November 16, 2018
Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers
The Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers invites aspiring fresh market produce growers to apply for its 2019 class.
October 19, 2018
CIAS Craft Cider Work Featured in Grow Magazine
CIAS is working with Wisconsin cider businesses to assess and address the needs and challenges of the state’s burgeoning cider industry.
October 10, 2018
Field Day and Seafood Lunch: Can Conservation Pay?
Join Iowa County’s Uplands Watershed Group for a farm tour and discussion about the economics of conservation. Then enjoy brats and seafood caught by Gulf […]
October 3, 2018
6th Annual Perennial Farm Gathering
If you’re interested in perennial crops and pastured livestock, come to the Savanna Institute’s Perennial Farm Gathering to learn what farmers, scientists, and others are […]
September 13, 2018
Food and the Wisconsin Idea: Spreading the Practice of Relational Networking
Food, Agriculture, and Health are three complex systems that intertwine to create each of our daily realities. Jessica Jane Spayde, Statewide Coordinator of the Wisconsin […]
6th Annual Agroecology Barn Dance
Dust off your dancing shoes and come celebrate fall at the 6th annual Agroecology barn dance! Join UW-Madison’s Agroecology master’s students on Oct 13th for […]
Living Mulch Suppresses Weeds and Yields in Organic Vegetable Plots (CIAS Research Brief #100)
Researchers at the UW-Madison tested living mulches for use in the production of three organic vegetable crops to evaluate their impact on weed suppression, labor needs and crop yield and quality.
Fall-Sown Cover Crops and Weed Suppression in Organic Small-Scale Vegetable Production (CIAS Research Brief #99)
While contributing to successful weed management, cover crops provide other benefits by reducing erosion, building soil organic matter, and, depending on the cover crop, retaining or providing soil nutrients.
August 20, 2018
UW Organic Research Field Day
This field day will highlight research conducted on the certified organic land at the UW Arlington Research Station. Research highlighted will include: equipment modifications for […]
August 2, 2018
F.H. King End of Summer Bonfire
F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture is hosting an end-of-summer bonfire on August 30. Meet the board of directors and learn more about this organization. […]
July 19, 2018
Organic Vegetable Variety Research Showcase
Come for an interactive field day on organic vegetable varieties! Walk through ongoing variety trials, give feedback on you favorite varieties and ask questions of […]
July 13, 2018
Lancaster Kernza and Silvopasture Field Day
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Lancaster Agricultural Research Station will host a fall field day highlighting innovative grazing practices: managed grazing of Kernza, a perennial grain […]
July 12, 2018
Silvopasture Workshop
The University of Minnesota Extension, University of Wisconsin Extension, the Wallace Center Pasture Project and the Savanna Institute will jointly host a Silvopasture workshop near […]
Dairy Heifer Grazing Farms Bus Tour
Join us on a bus tour to visit two large-scale dairies in Northeast Wisconsin. Come and learn why these farms raise their heifers on grass […]
July 6, 2018
CIAS 2017 Annual Report
2018 was another busy year at CIAS. We achieved new milestones in beginning farmer training, research, outreach and support for students.
June 7, 2018
Food and the Wisconsin Idea: Science is not “Neutral”
Join CIAS for the sixth talk in the Food and the Wisconsin Idea’s 2018 series. Ricardo Salvador, senior scientist and director of the Food and […]
FH King Harvest Handouts
Get free, yummy veggies grown in the FH King Garden each Friday throughout the growing season.
FH King Summer Solstice Bonfire
Join the F.H. King community for an evening for fun, fire, food and friends! Feel free to bring any potluck item you want to share, […]
Keeping Water in our Soil: Uplands Watershed Group Farm Tour and Farmer-Fisherman Lunch
9:20am: Stapleton Grain and Hay Farm, 5952 County Road Z, Spring Green, WI 10:45am: Cates Grass-fed Beef Farm, 5992 County Road T, Spring Green, WI […]
May 7, 2018
Ride to Farm
The Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers is currently accepting registrations and pledges for its 15th annual Ride to Farm fundraiser.
May 3, 2018
Analysis of Water Quality Impact of Windrow Composting
Composting is an ancient and cost-effective way to speed the decomposition of manure by piling it in rows and turning it regularly to aerate. For the last two years, three members of Yahara Pride Farms have been working with UW-Madison to determine whether composting can lead to reductions in phosphorus (P) runoff loads from their farms.
May 1, 2018
Beginning Farmer Programs at CIAS
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems has been running intensive workshops for beginning farmers since 1995. Our schools, taught by experienced farmers, are packed with practical, how-to information, insights, inspiration, and a dose of the sometimes harsh realities involved in making a living from the land.
April 23, 2018
FH King Spring Garden Fest and Growing Season Kickoff
The FH King Spring Garden Fest, Growing Season Kickoff is their biggest event of the season, and this year it’s a Mifflin-alternative party in the […]
April 17, 2018
“City of the Good” Book Launch Party
Come to a book launch for CIAS Director Mike Bell’s new book, City of the Good: Nature, Religion, and the Ancient Search for What Is […]
March 28, 2018
Exploring Demand, Distribution and Infrastructure Needs for Local Food in Madison
CIAS co-hosted a meeting with the City of Madison to convene Madison-area food buyers, including restaurant groups, institutions, grocery retailers, area distributors, and allied professionals.
March 6, 2018
Wisconsin Workers’ Rights Reference Cards
These reference cards summarize basic rights for farmworkers and food workers. Feel free to download, print and disseminate the printer-friendly versions, which are designed as double-sided, tri-fold cards.
February 16, 2018
Hard Cider Apple Grafting Workshop
CIAS is offering a free hard cider apple grafting workshop on April 21, 1-4pm at UW-Madison. Advance registration is required.
February 1, 2018
AFHVS abstracts due February 15
CIAS is honored to host the joint annual meeting of AFHVS/ASFS at UW-Madison, June 13-16. Abstracts are due February 15.
Agroecoprospect: The Challenge of Integrating Values, Food and Farming
Registration is open for the joint annual meeting of AFHVS/ASFS, June 13-16 at UW-Madison.
Food Studies Network Annual Research Forum
The Food Studies Network Annual Research Forum is an interdisciplinary program showcasing humanists, scientists, and social scientists who study food across the University of Wisconsin-Madison […]
January 31, 2018
Farmers for America Documentary Screening
Free and open to the public. Join us alongside filmmaker Graham Meriwether for an evening of discovery and inspiration at the premiere of Farmers for […]
January 9, 2018
Food and the Wisconsin Idea: January Book Launch
Please join us for the first in Food and the Wisconsin Idea’s 2018 event series: a book launch for Good Food, Strong Communities. Good Food, […]
2018 OGRAIN Winter Conference
Download the event poster Join area row crop producers Friday and Saturday, January 26 and 27, 2018 on the UW-Madison campus to explore beginning and […]
January 8, 2018
Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers
Registration is open for the 2018 Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers, March 16-18.
November 30, 2017
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
The Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School is a two-day workshop designed to help new and beginning growers learn the ins and outs of producing and […]
Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers
The Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers is for anyone interested in starting a profitable, sustainable fresh market vegetable farm. This three-day workshop will be […]
November 17, 2017
Second Annual Organic Vegetable Production Conference
This producer-initiated conference is built around farmer-to-farmer skill sharing and attracts growers from Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and beyond. 2018 presenters include: Hans Bishop […]
November 7, 2017
Wisconsin Farmers Union 87th Annual State Convention
The Wisconsin Farmers Union State Convention is an opportunity to visit with friends and network with farmers and rural advocates from across the state. Professor […]
MOSES Organic Farming Conference
The MOSES Organic Farming Conference is the largest event in the U.S. about organic and sustainable farming, offering 66 workshops over 6 sessions, inspiring keynotes, […]
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
You won’t want to miss the 2018 Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference. More information and registration are available here.
November 6, 2017
The Agroecology of Develoment: Community Solutions in Post-Apartheid South Africa
This talk features two South African speakers: Dr. Michael Aliber, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Extension; Director of the Agricultural and Rural Development Research Institute […]
October 30, 2017
Midwest CSA Conference
Wisconsin Farmers Union, working in partnership with Midwest organizations, will convene the Midwest CSA Conference, December 7-8 at the Chula Vista Resort. The continued growth […]
Women, Food and Ag Network Annual Conference
Join more than 200 women from all areas of sustainable agriculture for two-and-a-half days of education and networking at WFAN 2017. The conference includes field […]
Wisconsin Science Festival
During four days each fall, hundreds of venues around Wisconsin participate in the Wisconsin Science Festival, a statewide celebration that connects people with science, technology, […]
September 22, 2017
Agroecology Barn Dance
Join us for dinner, dessert, and dancing on Saturday, October 14 to celebrate 10 years of Agroecology at UW-Madison! All proceeds go directly to the […]
September 18, 2017
Food and the Wisconsin Idea
This month’s “Food and the Wisconsin Idea” gathering is hosted by Steve Ventura and Natasha Bowens, who wrote The Color of Food: Stories of Race, […]
August 31, 2017
Troy Gardens Fall Festival
Bring your family and friends to the Troy Gardens Fall Festival! Three local food carts will be selling yummy food with gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian […]
August 23, 2017
FH King Workshop: Cover Crops and Winterizing
FH King will host a winterizing workshop taught by a UW Extension master gardener. More information is available here.
2018 GrassWorks Grazing Conference
The 2018 GrassWorks conference will include two full days of workshops and sessions on managed grazing. Featured speakers will include Greg Gunthorp (farmer from Indiana […]
2017 Green Lands Blue Waters Conference
Register now for the 2017 Green Lands Blue Waters Conference, November 28-29 at UW-Madison.
Edible Startup Summit
If you’re considering starting a local food business or already in the early stages of development, then make plans to attend the Edible Startup Summit. […]
August 11, 2017
CIAS Harvest Dinner: Save the Date!
The CIAS Harvest Dinner will take place on Sunday, October 29 at 5:30 pm at the University Club in Madison. This dinner is a benefit for CIAS.
August 4, 2017
2017 Wisconsin Hazelnut Field Day
The 8th annual Wisconsin Hazelnut Field Day will introduce attendees to the emerging new crop of bush-type hazelnuts and the Wisconsin Hazelnut Production Trial. Jason […]
OGrain Field Day: Adding Organic to Large-Scale Farms
Download the event flyer Farmer interest is growing in growing organic grain. Many large-scale grain farms throughout the country are transitioning some or all of […]
August 2, 2017
UW Organic Agriculture Field Day
In a growing season that has brought both too much and too little rain across the North Central region, farmers are increasingly looking for ways […]
August 1, 2017
Know Your Buyer, Know Your Supplier Procurement Trainings
Five different food procurement trainings will be hosted across Wisconsin. Register by Aug. 8.
UW Organic Vegetable Variety Trials Field Day
Vegetable farmers and interested home gardeners are invited to attend the UW Organic Vegetable Variety Trials Field Day at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s West Madison […]
July 19, 2017
Hard Cider in the North Central Region: Industry Survey Findings
A growing hard apple cider industry in the U.S. has the potential to contribute to local, sustainable food systems. In order to better understand this resurgent industry, CIAS surveyed hard apple cider businesses across 12 states in the North Central Region.
July 11, 2017
MOSES Organic Field Days
The 2017 lineup of MOSES organic field days includes everything from artisanal grain to perennial fruit to workshops for women farmers.
Permaculture Open Space Weekend
Join Elsewhere Farm for a Permaculture Open Space Weekend. Share skills, build collective impact and envision a resilient region! The event cost of $25 per […]
Carandale Farm Field Day
Have you ever thought about diversifying your farm, but are not sure how to select plants that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable? At this […]
June 21, 2017
Food and the Wisconsin Idea
Hear from members of the Milwaukee Food Council, Madison Food Policy Council and Dane County Food Policy Council at this “Food and the Wisconsin Idea” […]
Diversified Organic Grain Rotations Field Day
One challenge of organic grain production is marketing the entire crop rotation, including small grains. OGRAIN, MOSES, the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute and the Iowa […]
June 12, 2017
Farm and Sea Conservation Dinner: Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
Join the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute for a unique dining experience in their Big Brown Barn! Fresh Gulf Seafood, Farm Fresh Produce, Local Wine & […]
River Country Pasture Walk Series
The River Country RC&D is hosting a series of pasture walks this summer and fall.
Speed Weeding Workday: F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture
It’s like speed dating but dirtier. Come learn how to weed your garden—ultra fast! Hang out during this wonderful workday. We’ll bring music and snacks […]
Companion Planting Workshop: F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture
Learn about companion planting and interplanting at the F.H. King student garden. RSVP here. F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture is a student garden organization […]
June 8, 2017
Farms and Food For the Future: CIAS 2016 Annual Report
In 2016, CIAS was honored to work with many dedicated partners as we furthered our research, education and outreach in sustainable agriculture and food.
May 23, 2017
Ride to Farm 2017
Join us for 60 miles of riding through Green County, with stops at grass-based farms. Ride to Farm raises awareness and funds for the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers.
March 23, 2017
Good Bugs Bad Bugs, Basic Entomology for Farm, Garden & Fun
Hosted by the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute Join PJ Leisch, Director of the UW-Madison Insect Diagnostic Lab to answer the question “Is this insect good […]
Marathon County Grazing Network: Cattle Handling, Freeze Branding, Vaccinating and Heifer Selection
This is a hands-on event. Replacement beef heifers will be evaluated with linear measurement tools to determine animal efficiency, marbling and productivity. They will be […]
Marathon County Grazing Network Cover Crops and No-Till Drill Demonstration
This event is a joint meeting of the Central WI No-tillers and the WI River Grazing Network. In the first hour, various fall planted cover […]
Marathon County Grazing Network Calving Discussion
Ben Lind started a rotationally grazed beef operation 4 years ago. He fenced 35 acres, added summer and winter watering facilities and is working on […]
Family Food Fest
Join CIAS at REAP’s Family Food Fest on May 21, where we will celebrate healthy eating and active living for children and families.
Grazing Farm Tours
Join Iowa County’s Farmer-Led Watershed Group and the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute for a tour of two grazing farms, followed by brats and seafood. 9:30 […]
March 21, 2017
Get the Dirt Dinner: Colony Collapse
Worried about bees? Think they should be protected and loved? Want a deeper understanding of why they’re disappearing and what we can do about it? […]
Dyeing the Natural Way
Join the F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture and the Horticulture Club for a workshop on dyeing fabric with natural dyes. Madeline Wimmer will educate […]
Science Expeditions
CIAS will host an Exploration Station at UW-Madison Science Expeditions on April 1: Cows Turn Grass Into Milk.
March 13, 2017
West Central Wisconsin Grazing Conference
Join The River Country Grazing Network for a day of learning from innovative farmers, researchers, and advisors in the grazing field. There will be plenty […]
February 28, 2017
Wisconsin Farm to School Success Story: Plymouth High School Food Science and Agriculture Center
It all started with a small group of educators and a big idea: “What if our high school could grow its own food? What if we could create a state-of-the-art facility and a place for community learning?” recalls Jessica Mella, Plymouth School District’s Nutrition and Wellness Coordinator.
Wisconsin Farm to School Success Story: Sheboygan Falls Farm to High School
Farm to school typically conjures images of a young child tasting their first cherry tomato, excitedly digging up a carrot, or squeamishly holding a red wriggler worm. But farm to school can also involve high school agriculture students engaged in hands-on soil science experiments, talented culinary students developing new recipes, and creative entrepreneurs selling produce grown at their schools.
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2017 Status Report
Wisconsin is a national leader in organic agriculture. Wisconsin had 1,334 organic farms in 2015, nearly doubling over the last 10 years. This puts our state in a good position to participate in the growing market for organic food, both in the U.S. and across the globe.
February 22, 2017
Hazelnut Story Map
Universities, agencies, organizations, businesses and growers are partnering to study and build a hazelnut industry in the Upper Midwest. The budding industry needs investment in […]
Options for Weed Control in Hazelnut Plantings (CIAS Research Brief #98)
If the goal is to prevent soil erosion, protect water resources and promote an ecologically diverse wildlife-friendly agro-ecosystem, alternative methods of weed control for hazelnuts are needed.
February 1, 2017
MOSES Organic Farming Conference
The MOSES Organic Farming Conference is the largest event in the U.S. about organic and sustainable farming, offering 65 workshops over 6 sessions, inspiring keynotes, […]
25th Annual GrassWorks Grazing Conference
The annual GrassWorks Grazing Conference emphasizes learning, sharing and improving grazing skills. At this year’s conference, GrassWorks will celebrate 25 years of achievements in grass-based […]
Food Sovereignty Symposium and Festival
The Food Sovereignty Symposium and Festival will be held March 10-12 on the University of Wisconsin campus and surrounding sites in Madison, Wisconsin. The symposium […]
January 4, 2017
Organic Grain Production and Marketing Workshop
Registration is open for the 2017 OGRAIN Production and Marketing Workshop, January 21-22.
December 12, 2016
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
Note: The 2017 Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School is full. The Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School is a two-day workshop designed to help new and […]
December 9, 2016
Evaluation of Manure Storage Capital Projects in the Yahara River Watershed
Better understanding the impact of livestock manure on water quality can inform clear, long-term manure management goals for the Yahara Watershed to reduce phosphorus loading from livestock manure.
November 8, 2016
Decent Work in Agriculture and the Global Food Chain: An International Framework
Domestic Fair Trade Association Pre-conference Workshop Space is limited – register early! The structure of US agricultural labor relations changed dramatically over the past fifty […]
November 7, 2016
WI School for Beginning Market Growers
The Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers, a three-day workshop for anyone planning to start a fresh market vegetable farm, will be offered January 6-8.
November 2, 2016
National Domestic Fair Trade Conference: Fair Trade and Racial Justice in Our Agricultural Supply Chain
In an effort to connect stakeholders throughout the agricultural supply chain, the Domestic Fair Trade Association has hosted an annual meeting every year since the […]
Food and the Wisconsin Idea: Ojibwe Foodways
Join us on Thursday, November 10 for a wonderful conversation about traditional Ojibwe foodways with Sandra Gokee Nevala; Ojibwe woman, mother, and traditional hunter and […]
Growing Midwestern Tree Nut Businesses: Five Case Studies
The Midwest is home to some successful nut businesses, and expanding tree nut production in this region can potentially increase the sustainability of agriculture and food systems.
October 17, 2016
CIAS Harvest Dinner: The Future of Organic Food and Farming
Join CIAS for an evening celebrating Wisconsin’s organic agriculture at the Harvest Dinner on Saturday, November 5.
October 4, 2016
Agroecology Barn Dance
It’s that time of year again to show off your dancing skills and enjoy some great company! The 4th Annual Agroecology Barn Dance is here! […]
September 29, 2016
F.H. King Fall Harvest Fest
Workday: 12-4pm | Music and Potluck: 4-7pm Everyone is invited to the annual F.H. King Harvest Festival, their biggest event of the year! This is […]
September 20, 2016
Celebrate Wisconsin Conservation Farming with Gulf Fisherman
Join Iowa County’s Farmer-Led Watershed Group for a conservation farm tour Followed by brats and seafood, served up by Wisconsin farmers and Gulf fishermen. 9:00 […]
September 19, 2016
Partnering for Progress Barn Dance Fundraiser
A night to celebrate Wisconsin’s farmers, working lands, and rural heritage and recognize the need to conserve the state’s natural resources for everyone’s benefit. Enjoy […]
The Queens’ New York Migrant Kitchens Project
Come watch a series of short films that are part of The Queens’ Migrant Kitchen Series developed by Sarah K Khan and Culinary Backstreets. You […]
Silvopasture Walk
The Lancaster Agricultural Research Station will host a pasture walk of its newly established silvopasture trial on Thursday, September 29th, from 10:00am to noon. Silvopasture […]
Midwest Menu
Join school districts across the Midwest in serving a healthy, regionally sourced lunch tray on Thursday, October 6th, 2016. Celebrate the power of procurement as […]
Hard Cider in the North Central Region: Industry Survey Findings and Opportunities for Rural Development
Hard cider, a beverage rooted in America’s past, has reemerged as a potentially fruitful business opportunity for modern day orchardists and entrepreneurs. As part of […]
September 6, 2016
Farm to Flavor
Farm to Flavor is an annual celebration of Wisconsin food. Meet the plant breeders, farmers, and chefs who are creating the new local cuisine. Taste […]
Organic Vegetable Research Showcase
Come for an interactive field day on organic vegetable variety trials and production! Walk through ongoing trials and ask questions of plant breeders, pathologists, entomologists, […]
Veggie Compass Helps Growers Make Data-Driven Decisions (CIAS Research Brief #97)
Fresh market vegetable growers with multiple crops and markets make numerous, complex production and marketing decisions. The Veggie Compass farm management tool was developed to help farmers make these decisions, based on data gleaned from their farm operations.
August 19, 2016
Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference
Starts and ends at the Grant County UW-Extension Office: Youth & Agriculture Center, 916 E Elm Street, Suite A, Lancaster, WI 53813-0031 This year’s conference, […]
August 16, 2016
University of Wisconsin Organic Row Crop and Pasture Field Day
This field day will cover: Organic no-till—early versus late planting of soybean into standing rye or rolled-crimped Aroostook and Spooner Rye Organic weed management—summary of […]
August 8, 2016
Toward a Coherent Food Systems Curriculum at UW-Madison
UW-Madison has a storied history in agricultural research, extension, and teaching. Despite that foundation and evidence of a strong student interest in sustainable food systems, […]
F.H. King Seed Preservation Workshop
Join the F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture for a seed preservation workshop with Girard Gorelick. Learn how to save seeds for next year’s growing […]
August 3, 2016
Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers Course Available Online
Would-be farmers can now learn about pasture-based production and business management without leaving home. The Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers (WSBDF), the first course of its kind, is now available online.
July 20, 2016
Wisconsin Farm to School Success Story: Youth Get Active with School Lunch
As farm to school grows in both popularity and maturity in Wisconsin, schools are looking for ways to develop increasingly comprehensive programs that will thrive for years to come. In order to accomplish this goal, student involvement and community engagement are essential.
July 13, 2016
Breeding an Organic Wisconsin Cuisine
Against the backdrop of our modern industrial-scale seed system, a human-scale seed system is emerging. In Wisconsin and worldwide, this system focuses on: whole-plant breeding, […]
Art with Plants
FH King garden intern Devon Hamilton will lead a class on how to make string gardens modeled after the traditional kokedama. All are invited. Check […]
June 16, 2016
OGRAIN Field Day: Organic Row Crops
At Fairview Farms, the Olson family raises organic corn, soybeans and small grains on 1,100 acres, using a three-year rotation of corn, soybeans, and small […]
OGRAIN Field Day: Organic Grain Toolbox
This event takes place at Doudlah Farms DBA FarmRite Organics, a 1,450 acre diversified organic grain operation producing corn, soybeans, ancient grains, cover crop seed […]
OGRAIN Field Day: Managing Risk in Organic Grain Production
Managing risk in organic grain farming happens at every level. While it may seem to begin with the production systems that the farmer puts in […]
OGRAIN Field Day: Organic Small Grains Production and Marketing
Spend the morning at Dolan Farms with Dave Dolan, an experienced organic small grain grower, who will share his knowledge of food-grade grain production. In […]
National Value Added Agriculture Conference
National leaders in value-added agriculture will be convening in Madison, Wisconsin, for the 18th Annual National Value-Added Agriculture Conference. The theme of this year’s conference […]
Plant Disease Workshop with F.H. King Students
Plant Pathology Professor Russell Groves will discuss plant diseases and pest management at the F.H. King student farm. For more information, please visit the Facebook […]
Beekeeping Class with F.H. King Students
Entomology Professor Dave Hogg will lead a beekeeping class at the hives near the F.H. King student farm. Bee suits will be provided to all […]
June 14, 2016
Organic Grain Field Day Series
Field days on July 7, July 28, August 11 and September 15 will cover the tools, activities and inputs needed for successful organic grain production.
Innovating for our Sustainable Future: CIAS 2015 Annual Report
In 2015, CIAS continued to build on our strong track record in sustainable agriculture research, outreach and beginning farmer training.
May 17, 2016
Silvopasture Workshop
UW-Extension, UMN-Extension, and the Savanna Institute will jointly host a silvopasture workshop near Luck, Wisconsin, about 70 miles northeast of Minneapolis and 95 miles northwest […]
May 11, 2016
Powering Your Plate: A Renewable Farm Tour
Thinking about how renewable energy could help power your farm? Join Central Rivers Farmshed, Golden Sands RC&D, Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), and North Wind […]
April 25, 2016
Food and the Wisconsin Idea
Topic: Fair trade and agricultural labor issues with special guest Andrew Sernatinger, organizer for the Willy Street Grocery Co-op unionization effort 3:30-4:30 Presentation/Discussion at the […]
Ride to Farm 2016
Registration is open for Ride to Farm, a bicycle ride to raise awareness and funds for the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is the largest agricultural show in Wisconsin and one of the largest in the nation. The three-day outdoor event showcases the […]
March 23, 2016
2016 Science Expeditions
CIAS will be at Science Expeditions on Saturday, April 2. Stop by our Exploration Station—Cows Turn Grass into Milk—in the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery and […]
March 10, 2016
Wholesale Success Workshops
Register for a Wholesale Success workshop in your area with trainer Atina Diffley. Learn about food safety best practices, working with wholesale buyers, post-harvest handling, […]
The Middle Way: Metropolitan Foodsheds, Regional Economy and Resilience
Weston Roundtable Series Speaker: Michelle Miller, Associate Director of Programs, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Cities are drivers of complex national and global economies that […]
March 9, 2016
Shaft is at the Roosevelt!: Race and Cultural Geography in Chicago’s Loop, 1970-1975
Land Tenure Center Spring 2016 Lecture Series Speaker: Gerald Butters, Professor of History, Aurora University Gerald R. Butters, Jr. is a Professor of History at […]
Liberia’s Land Rights Program and the Promise of Food Security and Poverty Reduction
Land Tenure Center Spring 2016 Lecture Series Speaker: Florence Chenoweth, Former Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Liberia and Director of the Food and […]
Human Landscapes: Connecting People and Place
Land Tenure Center Spring 2016 Lecture Series Speaker: Dan Smith, Administrator of the Division of Agriculture Development at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and […]
March 7, 2016
Sign up for 2016 AppleTalk conference calls
Beginning this spring, the IPM Institute of North America will celebrate the tenth season of AppleTalk weekly conference calls.
February 16, 2016
8th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference
The 8th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference: Moving Forward Together will convene a diverse group of stakeholders from across the farm to cafeteria movement working […]
Farm to Cafeteria Conference
Registration is open for the 8th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Madison, June 2-4.
December 17, 2015
MOSES Organic Farming Conference
Whether you’re a long-time organic farmer, a New Organic Steward, or curious about organic production methods, you’ll have a fun and informative experience at the […]
Wisconsin Farmers Union State Convention
Join Wisconsin Farmers Union for their 85th Annual state convention. Radisson Paper Valley Hotel 333 W. College Ave Appleton, WI 54911 Visit the Wisconsin Farmers […]
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
Sessions for apple, berry, grape, fresh vegetable growers, wineries and farmers markets. Conference cost is $85 per person, which includes all sessions and the trade […]
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
The Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School is a two-day workshop designed to help new and beginning growers learn the ins and outs of producing and […]
December 11, 2015
GrassWorks Grazing Conference
Join GrassWorks and graziers from across Wisconsin for educational workshops, inspiring keynote speakers, a trade show, networking opportunities, music and more! Details are available on […]
2016 Wisconsin Local Food Summit
The local food industry is inherently a vital part of Wisconsin’s economy. Join us this January as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Wisconsin […]
Workshop: Freight Innovations to Optimize Regional Food Resiliency
Moving food from rural areas into large metropolitan regions is an expensive proposition. Regional shippers are looking for ways to reduce labor costs and improve […]
December 8, 2015
Wisconsin Farm to School Success Story: Ensuring Meaningful Farmer Participation in Farm to School
Farmer involvement is an essential component of comprehensive farm to school programs. Core farm to school concepts such as local, fresh, healthy and community come alive for students through interactions with the farmers who grow the food found on the cafeteria tray.
November 11, 2015
Agriculture, transportation and climate change: Considering the future of agricultural freight transport in the Upper Mississippi River Valley
The World Economic Forum rates food crises, extreme weather and failure of infrastructure as top global risks in 2015. Around the world, regions are contending with extreme weather, including drought, flooding and changes in growing seasons.
October 13, 2015
Chop! Chop! Veggie Videos Support Wisconsin Farm to School Efforts
In honor of National Farm to School Month, the UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems and partners launched a series of culinary training videos for school cafeteria staff.
October 8, 2015
F.H.King Fall Harvest Festival
Come on out to the F.H. King garden and help us celebrate the bountiful season! Soak in the beautiful garden atmosphere while enjoying our cider […]
Agroecology Barn Dance
Finding yourself dreaming of stew and hot cider? Great music and dancing? You will find all this, and more, at the 3rd annual UW-Madison Agroecology […]
Land Tenure Center Fall 2015 Film and Lecture Series
The Land Tenure Center’s Fall 2015 speaker series includes films and lectures addressing land tenure issues at home and abroad.
September 23, 2015
2015 Iowa Organic Conference
“Celebrating the Biodiversity of Organic Farming: People, Animals, Pollinators and Plants” is the theme of the 15th annual Iowa Organic Conference. Our keynote speaker will […]
Make it a Habit! Eat More Rabbit!
Join Julie Engel, and millions around the world, in eating rabbit. Try a delicious sample of the healthy meat that is the most efficient to […]
Food Sovereignty Summit
The Oneida Nation, First Nations Development Institute and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation are pleased to announce the third annual Food Sovereignty Summit will be held […]
September 15, 2015
Potential carbon sequestration and forage gains with management-intensive rotational grazing (Research Brief #95)
Do pastures under management-intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) differ from grasslands under other management in terms of forage quality and quantity, carbon sequestration and biological soil activity? Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison set out to answer these questions and discover some of the reasons behind differences in pasture productivity.
September 14, 2015
The Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers: Keeping the Dream of Farming Alive
As older farmers retire, fewer young farmers are stepping in to take their place. The number of beginning farmers dropped 20 percent in the last five-year census period, and the average US farmer now tops 58 years of age.
August 3, 2015
Midwest CSA Conference
Wisconsin Farmers Union, working in partnership with a range of Midwest organizations, will convene the Midwest CSA Conference December 3-4, 2015 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. […]
July 30, 2015
UW Agronomy and Soils Field Day
Tour the research station and attend presentations about pest management, grain and forage production and organic crop systems on Aug. 19 from 8 a.m. to […]
UW Organic Vegetable Field Day
Scientists will present their findings on vegetable variety trials for organic systems, including tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, sweet corn, beets, peppers, squash, cabbage and kale. The […]
UW Organic Field Day
Tour over 70 acres of certified organic land and view presentations about vegetable variety trials, pastures, cropping systems and cover crops, with a special emphasis […]
Farm to Table Dinner at Michael Fields
Michael Fields is hosting a farm to table dinner featuring locally grown meats and vegetables. Proceeds support their student garden. For more information, visit the […]
2015 Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference
The theme of this year’s conference, “Cover Crops and Agricultural Resiliency,” features a mix of general sessions and bus tours highlighting successful cover crop practitioners […]
Wisconsin Farm to School Success Story: Madison Metropolitan School District Garden Bars
In several schools within the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD), Farm to School AmeriCorps members are introducing elementary school students to their new garden bars.
July 15, 2015
Student Organic Seed Symposium
Entering its fourth year, this symposium was originally incepted to create a scientific community in which graduate students, researchers, farmers, and industry professionals could build […]
Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers: Wisconsin Grower Intensive
This event offers opportunities to network with other growers, learn about plant diseases and insect diagnoses, and obtain information from experts on a wide range […]
July 14, 2015
Advancing Farm to School: Lessons from the Field
This report, published by the Wisconsin Clearinghouse, captures and communicates many of the valuable lessons learned throughout a project that increased access to healthy food in fourteen communities across Wisconsin.
Invigorating Sustainable Farms and Food: CIAS 2014 Annual Report
2014 was an exciting and special year for the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS), as we marked 25 years of bringing people together to create more sustainable food systems. This annual report summarizes our many 2014 accomplishments and recognizes the supporters who help make our work possible.
July 7, 2015
Wisconsin Farm to School Success Story: Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Garden (Wausau)
In the fall of 2013, Wausau crossing guards went home with fresh-made pickles, and local residents opened their doors to bags full of vegetables following […]
June 18, 2015
Need Veggies?
The F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture offer free veggies through their Harvest Handouts on Fridays at 1pm, East Campus Mall.
Farm Technology Days 2015
The Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is the largest agricultural show in Wisconsin and one of the largest in the nation. The three-day outdoor event showcases […]
June 17, 2015
Northern Nut Growers Association annual meeting
The 106th annual meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association will be held in La Crosse, Wisconsin on July 26th – 29th this year. This […]
May 19, 2015
The Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial: Long-Term Research for Resilient Agriculture
The Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial (WICST) was established in 1989 in response to farmers and others making a case for long-term research on low-input farming. WICST set out to investigate both the benefits and limitations of alternative agriculture through replicated research on the productivity, profitability and environmental impacts of both sustainably and conventionally managed production systems.
May 14, 2015
Reducing Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico
Despite more than 40 years of largely voluntary efforts by federal, state, and local government, and tens of billions of US dollars of investment in conservation, nationwide progress on nutrient control has not yet been achieved.
April 30, 2015
Food Systems Policy Analysis: Milwaukee
This is the final presentation of a graduate seminar led by Marcia Caton Campbell and Steve Ventura. The students will share the results of a […]
April 28, 2015
F.H. King Growing Season Kick-off
It’s that time of the year! Make your way out to the F.H. King Student Farm to celebrate the start of the growing season on […]
Marketing Healthy Food in Wisconsin Schools
Marketing Healthy Foods in Wisconsin K-12 Schools is a comprehensive resource on conventional and innovative marketing practices to support the consumption of healthy foods and farm to school programs.
Community Solutions: The Agroecology of Development in Africa
Save the date for Community Solutions: The Agroecology of Development in Africa. This conference will feature speakers working on agroecological development projects in South Africa, […]
April 22, 2015
Ride to Farm 2015
Registration is open for Ride to Farm on June 6, 2015. This year’s ride includes two routes of varying difficulty through the rolling hills and farms of Iowa County.
April 13, 2015
Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference
CIAS will have an exhibit at the Nelson Institute Earth Day conference next Monday, Apr. 20. We hope to see you there!
April 6, 2015
Loving of the Land Concert
Join us this Saturday at 7:30pm for the Loving of the Land concert at Music Hall.
Ride to Farm
Registration is open for Ride to Farm 2015. This bike ride through the rolling hills of Iowa County starts and finishes at Botham Vineyards. Riders […]
March 24, 2015
Mini-grant applications due April 6
We’ve extended the application deadline for our graduate student mini-grant program to April 6.
March 23, 2015
Loving of the Land Concert
Get ready for Earth Day at the fourth annual Loving of the Land concert featuring Graminy, a “class-grass” ensemble from Madison, Wisconsin bringing together classical […]
March 10, 2015
Grape Growers School: March 29-31
Registration is still open for the Midwest School for Beginning Grape Growers. Don’t wait—register now!
March 3, 2015
Midwest School for Beginning Grape Growers
The Midwest School for Beginning Grape Growers, a three-day workshop for anyone planning to start a vineyard business, will be offered March 29-31, 2015 on […]
March 2, 2015
Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers
The Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers, a three-day workshop for people wanting to start an orchard business, will be offered March 13-15 on the […]
West Wisconsin Spring Grazing Conference
The River Country Grazing Network’s spring grazing conference includes a fantastic lineup of speakers: Mark Kopecky – Soils Agronomist Laura Paine – Grazing Broker Joe […]
February 25, 2015
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2015 Status Report
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2015 Status Report provides data on organic production,
markets and farmer demographics. This report also includes a special section on organic grain, including possible strategies to increase organic grain production in our state. -
February 19, 2015
“Out Here” film screening
Out Here is a documentary film about the lives of queer farmers in the United States. This film “looks at the experiences of queer farmers […]
January 15, 2015
MOSES Organic Farming Conference
With 67 workshops, a 2-floor exhibit hall and 3,000+ participants, the MOSES Conference is the largest event in the U.S. about organic and sustainable farming. […]
Wisconsin Local Food Summit
The 9th Annual Wisconsin Local Food Summit—Seeds for Change: Learning From the Past to Grow Food for Tomorrow—will be January 30th and 31st at Hotel […]
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference
The 2015 Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference will be held at the Kalahari Resort on January 25-27, 2015. For more information, visit the […]
January 14, 2015
Wisconsin Farmers Union State Convention
The 84th annual Wisconsin Farmers Union State Convention will build upon the WFU motto of being “United to Grow Family Agriculture,” with morning topics touching […]
Winter Conference Season is Here!
We’re looking forward to seeing you at upcoming winter events, including the third Wisconsin Farm to School Summit and the first Organic Agriculture Research Symposium.
GrassWorks Grazing Conference
The 25th annual GrassWorks Grazing Conference is packed with so many opportunities to learn about grazing, no fence can hold it all! Whether you’re new […]
December 11, 2014
Organic Agriculture Research Symposium
The first Organic Agriculture Research Symposium (OARS) will focus on building a solid foundation for organic agriculture, in order to provide healthy food for the […]
Wisconsin Farm to School Summit
At the third Wisconsin Farm to School Summit we’ll be “Digging In” to farm to school with topics for the experienced and beginning farm to […]
December 10, 2014
Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers
The Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers, a three-day workshop for anyone planning to start a fresh market vegetable farm, will be offered January 9-11, 2015 on the UW-Madison campus.
School For Beginning Market Growers: Jan. 9-11
Want to farm? The Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers can help you get started.
December 3, 2014
FH King Workshop: Hydroponics 101 with Ben Amann and Chandler Meyer
Come to this hands-on workshop and learn about the basics of the hydroponics system used by the FH King Students for Sustainable Agriculture, and taste what they’ve been growing!
November 26, 2014
CIAS 25th Anniversary Reunion
Join us for the CIAS 25th anniversary reunion on Friday, December 5!
October 31, 2014
The Edge of Extinction: Travels with Enduring People in Vanishing Lands
In The Edge of Extinction, Jules Pretty explores life and change in a dozen environments and cultures across the world, taking us on a series of remarkable journeys to show that there are many different ways to live in cooperation with nature.
October 24, 2014
Sustainable Intensification in Agricultural Systems
Can we sustainably intensify food production to meet the needs of a growing population with changing consumption patterns? In this lecture, author and scholar Jules […]
October 14, 2014
Growing Farm to School Supply Chains with Local Vegetable Blends (Research Brief #96)
Increasing access to fruits and vegetables in schools is one way to address nutritional and diet-related health concerns among children.
October 9, 2014
F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture
F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture is a student organization working to promote sustainable agriculture at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. This UW-Madison student organization is affiliated with CIAS.
October 3, 2014
Second Annual Agroecology Barn Dance
Fall is here again, and the UW-Madison Agroecology Program invites you to celebrate with an evening of dancing and live music from Kettle Creek String […]
Science of Supper Clubs
CIAS director Mike Bell will speak about the Culture of Agriculture at the Science of Supper Clubs, which is part of the Wisconsin Science Festival. […]
Wisconsin Science Festival
CIAS will be at the Wisconsin Science Festival on Thursday, Oct. 16 with our “Cows Turn Grass Into Milk” exhibit. Stop by our booth and […]
October 2, 2014
Sustainable Agriculture, Fair Trade and Cooperatives
FEATURED SPEAKER: Peter Hurst United Nations International Labor Organizer PANELISTS: Courtney Berner, Willy Street Co-op Sarah Lloyd, Wisconsin Farmers’ Union Peter Hurst and the panelists […]
Food Summit 2014
The Dane County Food Council and Dane County UW Extension, with the help of other community partners, will host the 2014 Food Summit on October […]
D-Composition, A Concert
Music mimics biology in the Wormfarm Institute’s third annual D-Composition Concert, which is part of Fermentation Fest 2014. Composers Mike Bell (CIAS Director), Geoffrey Brady, […]
September 30, 2014
Healthy Food Systems Poster Session
Wisconsin Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes and CIAS are hosting a “Healthy Food Systems” poster session on Nov. 14. Applications are due Nov. 7.
September 23, 2014
Waseda Farms Will Match Donations to CIAS Through Dec. 7
Make your gift to CIAS go twice as far! Through Dec. 7, Waseda Farms will match donations from individuals.
July 31, 2014
Farm to School Toolkits 2.0
With the 2014-15 school year right around the corner, CIAS has updated two popular farm to school resources. The Wisconsin Farm to School Toolkits for school nutrition programs and producers can help you create a successful farm to school program in your community.
July 30, 2014
Heisner Farm Pasture Walk
Topic: Pasture renovation Speakers: Adam and Cy Heisner, Erin Silva, Geoff Brink and Gene Schriefer This is the first pasture walk in a series hosted […]
Jahnke Farm Pasture Walk
Topic: Rotational grazing principles 101—Pasture management and soil analysis Speakers: Kevin Jahnke, Laura Paine and Geoff Brink This is the third pasture walk in a […]
Laskowski-Morren Farm Pasture Walk
Topic: Tissue testing (NIRS)—A tool to monitor pasture in a changing climate Speakers: Patty Laskowski-Morren, Jacob Karlen and Dan Undersander This is the second pasture […]
Partnering for Progress
The annual Partnering for Progress Barn Dance & Chautauqua raises funds to support the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers.
6th Annual Partnering for Progress Chautauqua and Barn Dance
The fun and festive annual Partnering for Progress Barn Dance & Chautauqua celebrates Wisconsin’s working lands, and raises funds to support the important work of three nonprofit partner organizations.
Farm Technology Days
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days 2014 will be held in Portage County. Be sure to visit the CIAS booth in the Progress Pavilion.
Food for Thought Festival
REAP Food Group’s Food for Thought Festival is a fun, festive forum that explores and celebrates our many opportunities to eat more pleasurably, healthfully and sustainably.
June 30, 2014
Beginning and Advanced IPM Practices for Vineyards
This workshop will add to your existing knowledge of pest management for grapes and add to your repertoire of knowledge about spotted wing drosopliha and how to calibrate your sprayers.
Registration Open for Vineyard IPM Workshop
July 3 is the registration deadline for our workshop on Beginning and Advanced IPM Practices for Vineyards. The workshop will be held on July 10 in New Lisbon.
June 3, 2014
Beginning and Advanced IPM Practices for Apple Orchards
A workshop for growers, IPM consultants, students, technical service providers and Extension in the Midwest This workshop will add to your existing knowledge of pest […]
June 2, 2014
CIAS Barn Dance: June 27
CIAS is hosting a 25th anniversary barn dance on Friday, June 27 at Schuster’s Farm in Deerfield. Come on out and celebrate with us!
May 13, 2014
CIAS 25th Anniversary Barn Dance
CIAS is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2014, and we’re throwing a celebratory barn dance at Schuster’s Farm in Deerfield on June 27. We hope […]
May 6, 2014
Building a Movement: Origins and Evolution of the Organic Farming Movement
Roger Blobaum, a longtime leader and advocate in organic farming, will talk about the origins and evolution of the organic farming movement on Thursday, May […]
April 29, 2014
Register for Ride to Farm
Registration is open for Ride to Farm, a fundraiser for the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers on May 31. The ride includes stops at Uplands Cheese and Cates Family Farm.
April 8, 2014
Ride to Farm
Ride to Farm is a bicycle ride to raise awareness and funds for the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers (WSBDF) at the […]
April 3, 2014
Grad Student Mini-Grant Applications Due April 28
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) invites graduate student applications for our 2014 summer mini-grant program.
March 25, 2014
Institute for Urban Agriculture and Nutrition—Madison Symposium
This is a free event. Please register online. Agenda IUAN is envisioned as a unique collaboration between academic and community partners that will accelerate the […]
CIAS Exploration Station at Science Expeditions
Visit the CIAS Exploration Station at Science Expeditions! You’ll taste grass-fed cheese and learn about managed grazing at our interactive display: Cows Turn Grass into […]
March 19, 2014
CIAS Celebrates 25 Years
CIAS is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2014. Stay tuned for upcoming events, and learn more about our 25th Anniversary Challenge.
March 14, 2014
Whole-Farm Modeled Phosphorus Loss Low on Grazing Dairy Farms (Research Brief #94)
Because agriculture is a major nonpoint phosphorus pollution source, there is strong interest in identifying and managing farm sources of phosphorus runoff. On dairy farms, possible sources of this runoff include cropland, grazed pastures, and outside cattle holding areas such as barnyards and overwintering lots. A new study based on modeled data for four dairy farms that use managed grazing found that these farms have very low phosphorus losses on a whole farm basis.
Productivity and Nitrogen Retention Tradeoffs in Bioenergy Grasslands (Research Brief #93)
Perennial grassland cropping systems may someday be managed as an alternative source of biofuel that requires fewer fertilizer inputs. This alternative biofuel can also reduce competition with food crops because land that is unsuitable for row crops may be used for perennial grasslands.
February 26, 2014
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2014 UW-Madison Research Report
This report summarizes 23 studies conducted by researchers in the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) in partnership with farmers across the state. Those studies look at production practices for the state’s main agricultural products as well as farm management and marketing.
February 6, 2014
Urban Agriculture in St. Louis
Join Karen “Mimo” Davis and Miranda Duschack, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension, for an inspiring look at urban agriculture projects in St. Louis and their efforts […]
January 28, 2014
Midwest School for Beginning Grape Growers
The Midwest School for Beginning Grape Growers is a unique program that combines knowledge from experienced growers and UW Extension faculty. This class offers: Opportunities […]
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
The Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School is a two-day workshop designed to help new and beginning growers learn the ins and outs of producing and […]
Above- and below-ground grass growth responds to grazing management (Research Brief 91)
How is grass productivity above and below ground affected by grazing at different heights or by leaving different residuals after grazing? A study at UW-Madison found no simple answer to this question. Productivity of pasture grasses varies across grazing management strategies and species.
December 31, 2013
CIAS Mini-Grants Support Graduate Student Research in Sustainable Agriculture
CIAS supports innovative graduate student research addressing the challenges faced by small- and medium-sized farms and food businesses. Awarded annually, our competitive mini-grants aid students as they initiate their research in sustainable agriculture and food systems.
December 19, 2013
CIAS Eco-Fruit Program Receives Wisconsin Idea Award
Since 2000, the CIAS Eco-Fruit program has been helping growers reduce or eliminate risk from pesticides by using IPM. Participating growers have reduced their pesticide risk by 46 percent and increased their reliance on IPM strategies by 54 percent.
December 6, 2013
Registration Open for Beginning Grape Grower School
Don’t delay – register today for the Midwest School for Beginning Grape Growers, March 16-18.
Wisconsin Farm to School Directories
Are you a food service director interested in sourcing and serving locally grown produce in your lunchroom? Are you a farmer interested in selling your fresh produce to a local school district? Wisconsin Farm to School has created two directories that can help build connections between farms and schools.
December 4, 2013
Organic Grazing Workshop: Fall/Winter Management of Soils and Drought
Join the River Country RC&D and Organic Valley for a workshop led by Organic Valley Staff Veterinarian Dr. Guy Jodarski, Rick Knopp from Twin Oaks […]
October 29, 2013
How a Changing Climate is Changing our Wisconsin Way of Life
227 State Street, Madison Whether it’s fruit from our orchards, winter recreation, water quality, wildlife habitat or traditions we cherish, aspects of life in Wisconsin […]
October 22, 2013
Foods and Goods: Valuing What We Eat
4028 Vilas Hall Dr. Michael Bell, CIAS Director and Professor of Community and Environmental Sociology, will present a public lecture on “Foods and Goods: Valuing […]
October 14, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Full Circle
Full Circle is an organic farm to table delivery service based in western Washington that grows, sources and distributes fresh produce to West Coast communities on a subscription basis.
October 8, 2013
Barn Dance at Cates Family Farm
Cates Family Farm, Spring Green, WI The UW-Madison Agroecology Program invites you to an evening of dancing and live music from the Kettle Creek String […]
October 4, 2013
Food Web Restoration to Curb the Extinction of Relationships – CANCELED
Gary Paul Nabhan canceled his visit to Wisconsin due to illness.
September 30, 2013
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
Save the date for the 2014 Wisconsin Fruit and Vegetable Conference. Visit the Wisconsin Apple Growers Association website for more information.
GrassWorks Grazing Conference
Save the date for the 22nd annual GrassWorks grazing conference. Visit the GrassWorks website for more information.
Wisconsin Local Food Summit
1015 North Sixth Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233 Save the date for the 2014 Wisconsin Local Food Summit: Cultivating our future: Growing connections for resilient Wisconsin […]
Midwest Value Added Agriculture Conference
The Midwest Value Added Agriculture Conference brings farmers together to network and learn about local projects and resources available to help their profitability and sustainability, […]
Organic Farming Conference
Started 25 years ago as a gathering of 90 people who wanted to learn more about farming organically, the MOSES Conference has grown to become […]
September 25, 2013
Wisconsin Science Festival
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery CIAS will be at the Wisconsin Science Festival on Thursday, Sept. 26 with our Exploration Station: Cows Turn Grass Into Milk. […]
September 13, 2013
Food System Research Priorities
What food systems research should be prioritized over the next five years?
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Home Grown Wisconsin Co-op
Home Grown Wisconsin was a cooperative, multi-farm wholesale and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) food business founded in 1996 in south central Wisconsin. They successfully sold fresh produce to upscale restaurants and CSA customers in the Chicago area for more than 10 years.
September 10, 2013
Citizens Advisory Council meets in Athens and Medford
The September 2013 CIAS Citizens Advisory Council meeting was hosted by the Tomandl family, who operate grass-based dairy farms near Medford, and Kat Becker and […]
Using Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Studies in University Classes
This instructor guide provides resources for using the Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Studies in three types of university courses: agricultural and food marketing, cooperatives, and food systems.
August 20, 2013
Values-Based Food Suppy Chain Case Study: Red Tomato
Red Tomato is a non-profit organization that carries out marketing and distribution functions for 40 fruit and vegetable farmers, mostly in the northeastern U.S.
August 14, 2013
Uncommon Fruit
Want to learn more about fruits like aronia, currants, Saskatoon, and even jostaberries? CIAS worked with Dale Secher of Carandale Farm to create a website detailing Secher’s 10 years of on-farm research on uncommon fruit crops.
June 24, 2013
Kickapoo Country Fair
Organic Valley Headquarters La Farge, WI The Kickapoo Country Fair is on, and CIAS will be there. Be sure to stop by our booth in […]
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days 2013
Barron County, WI CIAS will be at Farm Technology Days, hosted this year by Breezy Hill Dairy in Barron County. Stop by our booth in […]
2013 University of Wisconsin Organic Vegetable Field Day
UW West Madison Agricultural Research Station The field day will feature vegetable research conducted on certified land at the research station and organic farms. Topics […]
June 18, 2013
Values-Based Food Suppy Chain Case Study: Country Natural Beef
Country Natural Beef started with 14 ranching families marketing 200 head of natural beef cattle in 1987. In recent years, the cooperative has nearly 100 member ranches in multiple states that raise more than 100,000 brood cows, manage more than 6 million acres of land and sell almost $50 million of products.
June 4, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Good Earth Farms
Begun in 2005 by Mike and Deb Hansen in central Wisconsin, Good Earth Farms
includes five operations that sell nearly all of their certified organic meat through the internet. -
May 30, 2013
CIAS works with Driftless Region partners on emerging forest crops
CIAS is working with Rooted Spoon Culinary, New Forest Farm, the Upper Midwest Hazelnut Development Initiative and the Midwest Aronia Association on the production, processing […]
Marketing the Native Understory: Selling Driftless Hazelnuts, Aronia and Mushrooms Direct to Chefs
Viroqua, WI Hazelnuts and aronia are newly emerging, cultivated woody perennial crops in the Upper Midwest, and wild mushrooms are part of a long tradition […]
Land, Food and Transformation: A De-composium
Aldo Leopold Legacy Center E13701 Levee Road, Baraboo, WI This upcoming Culture of Agriculture event is an opportunity for people to take a closer look […]
Precision Agriculture and Advanced IPM Workshop – Bayfield
CIAS, in partnership with The IPM Institute and Threshold IPM Services, is offering an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) workshop for growers, IPM consultants, students, technical […]
Precision Agriculture and Advanced IPM Workshop – Eau Claire
CIAS, in partnership with The IPM Institute and Threshold IPM Services, is offering an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) workshop for growers, IPM consultants, students, technical […]
May 1, 2013
Growing the Pasture-Grazed Dairy Sector in Wisconsin
The vast majority of dairy cattle in the United States never see the outdoors while they’re lactating. Over 50% of the milk produced in
the US comes from just 1750 large farms, primarily in California, Idaho, New Mexico, and Texas. In contrast, about 22% or more than 3000 of Wisconsin’s dairy farmers use managed grazing. Can the unique features of milk from pastured cows contribute to the resurgence of an artisan dairy tradition? -
April 30, 2013
Long-Term Cropping Systems Trials in Wisconsin: Lessons on Carbon, Nitrogen and Sustainability
Weston Sustainability Roundtable Matthew D. Ruark Assistant Professor, Soil Science Extension UW-Madison 1106 Mechanical Engineering 1513 University Avenue The effects of agricultural management practices on […]
April 23, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Shepherd’s Grain
In the mid 1980s, a pair of wheat producers, Karl Kupers and Fred Fleming, became convinced that the conventional dryland wheat farming they were practicing was not sustainable in the Palouse region of eastern Washington.
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Organic Valley
In 1988, a small group of organic vegetable growers in Wisconsin formed a cooperative to provide stable and fair prices to its members. It evolved into Organic Valley, the largest organic, farmer-owned cooperative in North America.
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Co-op Partners Warehouse
Co-op Partners Warehouse was established in 1999 by the Wedge Natural Foods Co-op in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This certified organic wholesale distribution warehouse serves retail stores, food service businesses and buying clubs throughout the Upper Midwest.
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Idaho’s Bounty
Idaho’s Bounty was founded in 2007 as a cooperative with both customer and producer members. It provides logistical support for a direct-to-consumer, Internet-based food buying club.
April 22, 2013
Wisconsin Grazing Activities Resource List
The Wisconsin Grazing Activities Resource List (2013) contains information on current managed grazing and pasture-related organizations, contacts and research initiatives.
April 16, 2013
Ride to Farm
Please join us for the 10th Annual Ride to Farm Saturday June 1, 2013 The ride will start and end at Birch Lake Park, Barneveld […]
March 22, 2013
Science Expeditions
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Visit the CIAS Exploration Station at Science Expeditions! You’ll taste grassfed cheese and learn about managed grazing at our interactive display. […]
March 21, 2013
Sustainability and Entrepreneurship Community Forum with Rufus Haucke
Grainger Hall 5120 Rufus Haucke, owner of Just Local Foods, will join us to talk about the challenge of starting a business and running a […]
March 6, 2013
CSA Open House
Monona Terrace, Madison Meet FairShare’s CSA farmers at the 21st annual CSA Open House. This is your chance to “farm shop” for your 2013 farm. […]
Art of Farming: CSA Coalition Photography Exhibit
Pyle Center, first floor hall 702 Langdon St., UW-Madison “The Art of Farming” features fine art photographs that expose the heart of family farming in […]
February 21, 2013
Heart of Wisconsin Winter Grazing Conference
Stoney Creek Inn, Rothschild, WI Presentation topics include: Grazing management effects on pasture growth Pastured heifers grow well and have productive first lactations Benefits of […]
Northwest Wisconsin & Lake Superior Grazing Conference
Lac Courte Oreilles Community College, Hayward, WI This year’s conference is intended to cover a range of topics for beginning and experienced graziers as well […]
West Central Wisconsin Spring Grazing Conference
Metropolis Resort, Eau Claire, WI Focus: Health & the Environment Keynote Speaker(s): Dr. Debra Pearson, UW Green Bay (Nutrient Quality of Food Affected by Agricultural […]
January 25, 2013
Farm Business Principles for Success
Directors and educators with the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers (WSBDF) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison share advice and principles for starting and operating a successful farm business.
January 23, 2013
Managed Grazing’s Effects on Soil Quality and Structure
A long-term southern Wisconsin cropping systems study shows that soils under managed grazing have a number of positive characteristics compared to soils under other cropping systems.
January 15, 2013
Mentor-Intern Handbook for Dairy and Livestock Farmers
This handbook will help mentors develop their teaching skills as they progress through their first—or perhaps fortieth—internship.
Fun Grazing Facts Fortune Teller
Geared toward elementary school-aged children, this fortune teller is a fun project that teaches kids about food, livestock, wildlife on farms and Wisconsin agriculture. We […]
January 2, 2013
Pastured Heifers Grow Well and Have Productive First Lactations
Dairy heifers that were raised on pasture in the ongoing Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems
Trial (WICST) performed as well as or better than similar heifers that were raised in confinement. -
December 11, 2012
Organic Farming Conference
La Crosse, WI The MOSES Organic Farming Conference is the largest conference in the U.S. about organic and sustainable farming. The MOSES Conference offers more […]
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
For more information and online registration, visit the Wisconsin Fresh Market Vegetable Growers Association website.
Wisconsin Local Food Summit
Northland College Ashland, WI For more information and online registration, visit the event website.
GrassWorks Grazing Conference
The Patriot Center Wausau, WI Join GrassWorks for their 21st annual grazing conference. Keynote speakers include Shannon Hayes, Dr. Ann Clark and Dr. Allen Williams. […]
December 5, 2012
Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers: Jan. 18-20, 2013
The Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers, a three-day workshop for anyone wanting to start a fresh market vegetable farm, will be offered January 18-20, 2013 on the UW-Madison campus.
Exploring American Indian Agriculture and Food Systems
On November 26, more than 100 people attended the CIAS Culture of Agriculture talk, “Exploring American Indian Agriculture and Food Systems,” with Dan Cornelius of […]
November 20, 2012
Exploring American Indian Agriculture and Food Systems: Past, Present and Future
H.F. DeLuca Forum Room Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery 330 North Orchard Street, UW-Madison Download the event poster (PDF) Dan Cornelius, Technical Assistance Specialist for the […]
Agriculture and the Land Ethic: Leopold’s Legacy
Download the event poster (PDF) The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) and the Aldo Leopold Foundation are co-sponsoring a screening of […]
November 13, 2012
Wisconsin Farmers’ Union State Convention
The Wisconsin Farmers Union 82nd Annual Convention kicks off Friday, January 25 at 1:00pm with a pre-convention workshop “Securing Farmers and Farmland – A Toolbox […]
Midwest CSA Conference: Taking Stock
Eau Claire, WI Join Wisconsin Farmers’ Union for two days of shared learning, practical workshops and lively discussions about the CSA movement. It’s been 25 […]
October 10, 2012
Local Food as an Economic Recovery Strategy
UW-Madison Soils Building room 270, 1525 Observatory Drive Ken Meter, Crossroads Resource Center, will make the case that the emergent and energetic work around local […]
2012 North American Biodynamic Conference
Monona Terrace, Madison This biennial conference is the foremost event for biodynamic education, networking, and community building on the continent, bringing together hundreds of farmers, […]
October 3, 2012
“Culture of Agriculture” Concert with Graminy
Mills Hall UW-Madison Campus, 445 N. Park St. $10 ($8 student) at the door Event poster (PDF) The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural […]
October 2, 2012
Preserving Genetic Diversity and Cultural History in Our Food Supply
Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa St., Madison Join the Fair Share CSA Coalition for a presentation by John Torgrimson, executive director of Seed Savers Exchange. […]
September 26, 2012
Eco-Fruit Program Supports Growers with Networking and Coaching
The CIAS Eco-Fruit program is featured in the latest report on IPM from the American Farmland Trust.
August 28, 2012
Food for Thought Festival
100 Block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Downtown Madison Come celebrate local food on September 15th at REAP Food Group’s 14th Annual Food for […]
July 25, 2012
Specialty Pork: Growing Flavor, Growing Markets
Rooted Spoon Kitchen Table, 219 S. Main Street, Viroqua, WI 54665 Registration fee: $30 ($45 for a pair registering together) The Center for Integrated Agricultural […]
Telling our Story: Driftless Food and Farm Project Regional Workshop
The Old Oak Inn 550 Church St, Soldiers Grove, WI 54655 $10 registration fee Join us for a day of exploring and developing themes and […]
July 18, 2012
Soil Sisters Farm Tour Day
Hosted by South Central Wisconsin Women in Sustainable Agriculture From eggplants to emus, sheep to solar energy, bed & breakfasts to beef – seven Wisconsin […]
July 13, 2012
Seed Saving and Breeding for Organic Farms: The Basics
West Madison Ag Research Station Learn the fundamental skills to maintain, develop and adapt seed varieties for your organic farm at this workshop hosted by […]
USDA to Launch “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Compass” Version 2.0
On July 17, USDA is proudly unveiling the 2.0 version of the Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Compass, a digital resource detailing USDA’s involvement […]
July 3, 2012
Growing Wisconsin’s Grazing Future: Results of the Blue Sky Greener Pastures Consultation Process
For a wide variety of economic, environmental and social reasons, it makes good sense to regard the practice of managed grazing as an effective system for strengthening dairy and livestock farming in Wisconsin. The UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) partnered with GrassWorks, Inc. to develop a statewide, participatory discussion about managed grazing that they called “Blue Sky Greener Pastures” (BSGP).
May 8, 2012
Ride to Farm 2012
Dozens of cyclists will be riding through the rolling hills of rural Dane and Green counties on Saturday, June 2 in support of the next generation of dairy and livestock farmers.
May 7, 2012
Value Added Agriculture Conference
La Crosse, WI Conference tracks include: Marketing Business Management Accessing Local Food Systems Bio-Energy Farm Success Workshops Keynote speakers include Michael Perry, John Ikerd, Laura […]
Farm Technology Days
Outagamie County, WI Visit CIAS in the Progress Pavilion. For more information, see the Farm Technology Days website.
Kickapoo Country Fair
Organic Valley headquarters La Farge, WI Celebrate organic food and agriculture at this fair hosted by Organic Valley. Speakers, music, food, educational exhibits, kids’ activities, […]
April 18, 2012
F.A.R.M.: Food, Art, Revolution, Media
CSA Speaker Series presentation by Melinda Hemmelgarn: F.A.R.M.: Food, Art, Revolution, Media: The Power of Images and Stories to Support Healthy Food, Farmers and Communities. […]
Ride to Farm
9th annual Ride to Farm fundraiser for the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers Check-in: 7:45-8:30am, Goodland County Park Shelter #2, Madison Ride […]
March 28, 2012
Wisconsin Grazing Initiative 2012 Report
The Wisconsin Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative funded several innovative grazing-related projects from 2009 to 2011. The Wisconsin Grazing Initiative 2012 Report details the 21 educational […]
March 20, 2012
Loving of the Land benefit concert
Mills Hall, UW-Madison campus The UW-Madison Agroecology Program will hold a benefit concert on April 13 to support graduate student research in sustainable agriculture and […]
March 7, 2012
Science Expeditions
UW-Madison campus UW-Madison welcomes learners and explorers of all ages to campus to experience science as discovery at the 10th Annual UW-Madison Science Expeditions on […]
Grazing Winter Seminar
Randy’s Restaurant and Funhunters’ Brewery 841 E. Milwaukee St., Whitewater Featured speakers include Geoff Brink, Research Agronomist for the Dairy Forage Research Center; Jim Munsch, […]
February 20, 2012
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2012 Status Report
Wisconsin boasts the second largest number of organic farms in the U.S., ranks first among the states for the number of organic dairy and beef farms, and is third in the nation for organic vegetable farms. Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2012 Status Report provides a wealth of information on the opportunities and challenges facing Wisconsin’s organic farms and processors.
January 19, 2012
Cover Crops Case Studies: Gary Sommers Farm
This case study shares the experience of one Wisconsin farmer who has been growing cover crops on his cash grain farm for twenty years. He presents his philosophy of cover crop use, explains what cover crop management practices have and have not worked on his farm, and describes what benefits he sees from growing cover crops.
December 1, 2011
Wisconsin Farm to School Summit
Lake Lawn Resort, Delavan, WI The Wisconsin Farm to School Summit will showcase current efforts across the state, feature new resources and highlight opportunities for […]
November 29, 2011
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
UW-Madison Campus Online registration (NOTE: Online registration may not work correctly in Internet Explorer 9. If you experience problems with this browser, we recommend trying […]
November 15, 2011
Farm to School Toolkits
Farm to school encourages healthy lifestyles in children and helps support local economies. The Wisconsin Farm to School Toolkits for school nutrition directors and producers can help you create a successful farm to school program in your community.
November 10, 2011
Cover Crops Case Studies: JenEhr Family Farm
Wisconsin is seeing a renewed interest in planting cover crops to prevent soil erosion, retain or add nutrients, reduce pest pressures and accomplish other goals.
November 4, 2011
2012 Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers
UW-Madison campus This intensive, three-day course gives you a realistic picture of what it takes to run a successful small-scale produce operation—including capital, management, labor […]
November 2, 2011
Wisconsin Idea Symposium
UW-Madison Campus, Union South, Varsity Hall 2 and 3 The 2011 Wisconsin Idea Symposium is designed to engage staff, faculty and students in considering the […]
Wisconsin Idea Symposium
The upcoming Wisconsin Idea Symposium will highlight campus-community partnerships and engage students, faculty and staff in a discussion of the values and purpose of the […]
October 27, 2011
Wisconsin Local Food Summit
Lake Lawn Resort, Delavan, WI The Wisconsin Local Food Summit brings together community organizers, agency advocates, educators, local food producers, students and others to learn, […]
October 17, 2011
UW-Extension Workshop Offers Lessons on Native Pollinators
A mix of casual gardeners and farmers who make a living in part through crop sales met at Tom and Mary Lou Nicholls’s Nature Education Center in Fifield to learn about native pollinators—species that could play a vital role in preserving American agriculture if honeybees continue to see their current levels of decline. (Photo: Hannah Gaines)
October 4, 2011
Wisconsin Forum on Rural and Urban Agriculture
Friday, November 11: 5:00pm-9:00pm, Tripp Commons, UW-Madison Memorial Union Keynote speaker: John Ikerd Saturday, November 12: 8:00am-4:30pm, UW-Madison Pyle Center Keynote speakers: Kat Becker and […]
September 22, 2011
Ingredients: The Local Food Movement Takes Root
Union South—The Marquee 1308 W. Dayton St. Join us for a harvest season celebration of food and film, farmers and chefs. This film screening will […]
September 21, 2011
Seminar: Research on Organic Agriculture in the Upper Midwest
UW-Madison Soil Science Building, room 370 1525 Observatory Drive Roger Blobaum will present this seminar as part of the UW-Agroecology Public Seminar Series. A campus-wide […]
September 13, 2011
20th Annual Wisconsin Grazing Conference
Join GrassWorks as it celebrates two decades of growing the grazing community in Wisconsin. The 2012 conference will be held at the Patriot Center in […]
Grazing seminars and reception at World Dairy Expo
Interested in managed grazing? An all-day seminar series at World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin, covers several grazing topics in detail. Speakers will discuss training […]
August 25, 2011
UW Organic Field Day
Arlington Agricultural Research Station This field day will focus on CALS research using a no-till cover crop “killed mulch” system for managing weeds. Field tours […]
July 28, 2011
11th Annual Fall Harvest Gathering for Women in Sustainable Agriculture
Cedar Valley Resort, Whalan, MN Conversations: Selling or Buying Land with Passion Join us for a weekend filled with friends, dialogue, laughter, and FANTASTIC food […]
July 19, 2011
UW-Madison Day at the Wisconsin State Fair
Celebrate UW–Madison’s long history of service and outreach to the state at the Wisconsin State Fair! Join Bucky Badger, the UW Marching Band and alumni […]
July 14, 2011
Finding a cost effective, persistent legume for Wisconsin pastures (Research Brief #85)
Is there a legume that establishes and yields well, persists and is cost effective? Through on-farm research, Wisconsin beef grazier Jim Munsch set out to answer this important question on his Deer Run Farm.
July 5, 2011
Growing Your Own (public lecture)
175 Science Hall, 550 N. Park St. “Growing Your Own: The Socioeconomic Value of Community Food Production” Public lecture presented by Vincent M. Smith, Ph.D. […]
June 29, 2011
Value Chain Teaching Materials
The national Agriculture of the Middle initiative has produced three sets of curricular resources on value-based food supply chains for university-level business and economics courses.
June 28, 2011
Ride to Farm 2011
The 8th annual Ride to Farm, held on June 11, was a big success! After an inspiring sendoff by Craig Culver, CEO of Culver’s Restaurants […]
June 7, 2011
Pastured Pork, Forest Pigs and Other Happy Hogs
Town of Schleswig Town Hall 21935 Rockville Road, Kiel, WI 53042 Will Winter, certified holistic veterinarian and consultant, will present this dynamic workshop designed to […]
Putting Nature’s Biology Back to Work
Grassway Organic Farm Store New Holstein, WI Speakers Sabino Cortez and Will Winter will address the art and science of composting, compost tea application, inexpensive […]
May 12, 2011
Effective Use of Pheromone Traps and Mating Disruption
Location: Galesville, Wisconsin This new course about effective use of pheromone traps and mating disruption will: increase your knowledge of various monitoring lures and trap […]
May 11, 2011
Ride to Farm
Ride starts and ends at Goodland County Park Shelter #2, Madison Celebrity send-off by Craig Culver, CEO, Culver’s Course: 56-mile loop through southern Dane and […]
May 9, 2011
Missouri Dairy Grazing Conference
Springfield Expo Center at the University Plaza Hotel Springfield, Missouri University faculty, industry and dairy producers will present the latest information on dairy grazing systems. […]
May 1, 2011
A Summary of Dairy Grazing Practices in Wisconsin
Managed grazing is an effective option for dairy farmers in Wisconsin. This system, which maximizes utilization of fresh pasture and focuses on reducing production costs, has potential to improve profitability of dairy operations of all sizes. Managed grazing is size‐neutral and flexible, a practice that can be adapted to any farming system. Dairies using managed grazing average 61 milking cows but range from over 1000 milking cows to under ten.
A Summary of Beef Grazing Practices in Wisconsin
Managed grazing is an effective option for beef producers in Wisconsin. This system, which dramatically increases yield and quality of pasture and focuses on reducing production costs, has potential to improve profitability of beef operations of all kinds.
April 21, 2011
Effective Spraying of Orchards Course
Location: Galesville, Wisconsin This one-day, in-depth course with Andrew Landers will teach you better spray techniques that can potentially reduce your pesticide use by 30-40 […]
April 7, 2011
Science Expeditions 2011
Science Expeditions 2011—held in the new Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery—was a hit! Visitors to the CIAS Exploration Station—Cows Turn Grass into Milk—got to taste pasture […]
March 21, 2011
Moving Food from Farm to Cafeteria
This Nelson Institute Community Environmental Forum will be held in room 1106, Mechanical Engineering Building, UW-Madison campus. Panelists include: Bridget Holcomb, Associate Director for Public […]
March 16, 2011
Effective Spraying of Vineyards Course
Location: Alma, Wisconsin This one-day, in-depth course with Andrew Landers will teach you better spray techniques that can potentially reduce your pesticide use by 30-40 […]
March 9, 2011
Science Expeditions
UW-Madison welcomes learners and explorers of all ages to campus to experience science as discovery at the 9th Annual UW-Madison Science Expeditions on April 2, […]
January 31, 2011
Fall grazing management affects burdock populations in pastures (Research Brief #84)
Grazing management can affect the prevalence of burdock in pastures. According to a study by
UW-Madison researchers, shorter forage heights left in the fall can lead to higher burdock populations in the following growing season. -
January 20, 2011
2011 Southern Wisconsin Fresh Produce Workshop
Alliant Energy Center, Madison The workshop will include: Sessions presented by UW-Extension specialists and others on production, disease forecasting, pest management, post-harvest handling and best […]
November 11, 2010
Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers
Download the course brochure The Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers, a three-day workshop for people interested in starting a fresh market vegetable farm, will […]
October 27, 2010
Wisconsin Local Food Summit
The 2011 Wisconsin Local Food Summit is being held at The Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, WI. For more information, visit the conference website.
Bio-Pesticide Workshop (Midwest Fruit IPM Course)
This workshop is Part 4 of the Midwest Fruit IPM Course. This three-day event includes: Two-day apprenticeship with IPM fruit experts; learn how to monitor […]
IPM Coach Course (Midwest Fruit IPM Course)
This course is Part 1 of the Midwest Fruit IPM Course. It is a one-week, intensive course focusing on: Insect pests, diseases and appropriate management […]
September 28, 2010
Food For Thought
CIAS was part of the 12th annual Food for Thought Festival on September 25th. Organized by REAP Food Group and held just off of Madison’s […]
September 14, 2010
23nd Annual MOSES Organic Farming Conference
Organized by the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) and held annually in La Crosse, WI, the Organic Farming Conference is an extraordinary, farmer-centered […]
Midwest Value Added Agriculture Conference
Sheraton Hotel, Madison, Wisconsin. Featured speaker: Joel Salatin, Polyface Farm. For more information, visit the River Country RC&D website.
19th Annual Wisconsin Grazing Conference
Join people from around the Midwest to learn how better pasture management can result in both healthier profits and a healthier planet. The conference, organized […]
Summer Lectures Precede Smithsonian Exhibit in Reedsburg
This summer, CIAS and the Wormfarm Institute sponsored four lectures in Reedsburg on food and farming. These lectures, which were part of the Driftless Region […]
September 13, 2010
The Driftless Region Food and Farm Project
The Driftless Region Food and Farm Project is a coalition of farmers, consumers, institutions, agencies and organizations. Together, they aspire to meet the growing demand for local food by scaling up the production, aggregation, processing, distribution and marketing of food in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
September 1, 2010
Barn Dance & Harvest Celebration Supporting the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers
Join us at an old-fashioned barn dance and harvest celebration highlighting Wisconsin farms, food and rural communities. The Klessig and Heimerl families will host the […]
Tiers of the Food System: A New Way of Thinking About Local and Regional Food
From farmers’ markets to supermarkets, there is a spectrum of relationships between consumers and the businesses that grow, process, distribute and market their food. Small-scale, local food production is often contrasted with the anonymity of global, industrial food production, resulting in a black and white portrayal of local and global food systems. In reality, the food system is far more complex than local versus global and artisanal versus industrial.
August 9, 2010
Aronia Field Day at Carandale Farm
Join us for a very informative and interactive Aronia Field Day on August 22. This educational meeting is for the sharing and exchange of information […]
July 29, 2010
Conservation of Native Pollinators: Door County
Penninsular Agricultural Research Station, Door County, WI Cost: $25 (includes registration, materials and lunch) This day-long workshop will equip conservationists, land managers, educators and agricultural […]
Conservation of Native Pollinators: Milwaukee
Urban Ecology Center, Milwaukee, WI Cost: $25 (includes registration, materials and lunch) This day-long workshop will equip conservationists, land managers, educators and agricultural professionals with […]
Conservation of Native Pollinators: Bayfield
Agriculture and Energy Resource Center, Bayfield, WI Cost: $25 (includes registration, materials and lunch) This day-long workshop will equip conservationists, land managers, educators and agricultural […]
Conservation of Native Pollinators: Chippewa Falls
Lake Wisota State Park, Chippewa Falls, WI Cost: $25 (includes registration, materials and lunch) This day-long workshop will equip conservationists, land managers, educators and agricultural […]
Conservation of Native Pollinators: Madison
UW Arboretum, Madison, WI Cost: $25 (includes registration, materials and lunch) This day-long workshop will equip conservationists, land managers, educators and agricultural professionals with practical, […]
July 13, 2010
UW-Madison Organic Ag Field Day
Organic vegetables will be the focus when the University of Wisconsin-Madison holds its fourth annual Organic Agriculture Field Day on Wednesday, July 28, at the […]
July 7, 2010
13th Annual Food for Thought Festival
In Madison, on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. just off of the Capitol Square. For more information, visit the website.
Kickapoo Country Fair
Now in its eighth year, the Kickapoo Country Fair is the Midwest’s largest organic food and sustainability festival. Held in La Farge, Wisconsin, at Organic […]
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days
Farm Technology Days 2010 will be held in Pierce County. See the website for more information. While you’re there, visit the CIAS booth in the […]
Perceptions of Raw Milk’s Risks and Benefits (Research Brief #83)
Raw milk for human consumption that has not been pasteurized is a controversial product. Unpasteurized milk may contain pathogens that can lead to serious illness. Nonetheless, a study led by researchers Özlem Altıok and Michael Bell of the UW-Madison Department of Community and Environmental Sociology found that customers cite improving their health among the top reasons for drinking raw milk. A growing number of consumers feel that pasteurization robs milk of some of its nutritional and health benefits.
May 27, 2010
Ride to Farm
Join us for the 7th annual Ride to Farm! Course: About 65 miles of hilly terrain The ride starts and ends at Lake Farm Park […]
April 29, 2010
2010 Southern Wisconsin Farm Fresh Atlas
When it comes to local food, Southern Wisconsin is considered a national leader. With farmers’ markets every day of the week, pick-your-own farms, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms, grocery stores and restaurants that offer local fare, the only challenge is deciding where to shop. And that’s really no challenge, thanks to the newly released ninth edition of the Southern Wisconsin Farm Fresh Atlas.
Economic Potential of Increased Fruit and Vegetable Production in the Upper Midwest
Expanding the fruit and vegetable industry in the Upper Midwest could have a huge economic impact in the region. A new analysis from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, in collaboration with CIAS and other regional partners, estimated potential state and regional economic values associated with increased production of fresh fruit and vegetables in a six-state area.
April 26, 2010
Effective Spraying of Vineyards
This new workshop about better spray application techniques is intended for spray operators who want to more effectively use their equipment to reduce drift, increase […]
Effective Spraying of Orchards
This new workshop about better spray application techniques is intended for spray operators who want to more effectively use their equipment to reduce drift, increase […]
March 18, 2010
Great Lakes Farm to School Networking Day
The National Farm to School Network is hosting a networking day in Detroit for people involved or interested in farm to school in the Great […]
Taking Root: 5th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference
Hosted by the National Farm to School Network, this conference will take place in Detroit. For more information, visit the conference website. Farm to Cafeteria […]
February 24, 2010
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers’ School
This workshop will be held March 13 and 14 on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. A $195 fee covers registration, lunches and refreshments. Enrollment is […]
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2009 Status Report
While growth in the organic industry has slowed, U.S. consumers are not giving up on organic food. Organic sales, which expanded at a rate of 20 percent per year from the early 1990s through 2007, likely experienced negative growth in 2009. But 31 percent of U.S. families bought more organic food in 2009 than in 2008.
February 10, 2010
Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers
CIAS held the inaugural Midwest School for Beginning Apple Growers on February 5-7, 2010 in Madison. Over 40 students learned how to minimize risk in […]
January 28, 2010
Good to Grow in the Four State Driftless Region
The following presentation was given by Michelle Miller at the Midwest Value Added Conference and Local Food Summit on January 21, 2010.
Midwest Slow Money Institute
Inspired by Slow Food, Slow Money aims to organize networks of investors who will put their money into small food enterprises and local food systems. […]
January 5, 2010
Scaling Up: Meeting the Demand for Local Food
Robust local and regional food systems offer social, environmental and economic benefits. Increasingly, wholesale buyers are demanding locally grown food and growers are looking for new regional markets. To develop informed business development strategies for Wisconsin farmers and other supply chain start-ups, the UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) and UW-Extension Agricultural Innovation Center studied and documented eleven models of regional food aggregation and distribution.
December 28, 2009
CIAS Provides IPM Expertise to Apple Growers through Conference Calls and Blogging
Due to the limited number of apple IPM consultants in Wisconsin and the high cost of hiring consultants, few Wisconsin apple growers have been able to take advantage of professional consultant expertise in implementing IPM on their orchards. To address this need, the Eco-Apple Project launched a blog in 2006 and free weekly conference calls with an apple IPM consultant in 2007.
December 7, 2009
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
Open to all fresh produce growers and ag tourism operators – apples, berries, grapes, & vegetables. This conference features a wide variety of workshops, a […]
Wisconsin Grazing Conference
Location: Hotel Mead, Wisconsin Rapids Better pasture management can result in both healthier profits and a healthier planet. The Wisconsin Grazing Conference, organized by GrassWorks, […]
Wisconsin Dairy Sheep School
Location: Spooner Agricultural Research Station This five-day course will feature lectures on topics such as weaning and artificial rearing of lambs, mastitis and milk quality, […]
November 19, 2009
CIAS Hosts Annual Meeting of Eco-Apple Growers
On Thursday, November 12, CIAS hosted its annual meeting of apple growers engaged in its Eco-Apple pesticide reduction program. Notably, the group of 48 growers […]
November 6, 2009
Vegetable Storage Crops Workshop: Madison
Location: West Madison Ag Research Station, 8502 Mineral Point Rd., Verona, Wisconsin Join us for this timely workshop on how to take advantage of storage […]
Vegetable Storage Crops Workshop: Hudson
Location: Phipps Center for the Arts, 109 Locust St., Hudson, Wisconsin Join us for this timely workshop on how to take advantage of storage crops […]
October 20, 2009
Fertility Strategies for Organic Vegetables – Illinois
Join fellow farmers and university specialists at Growing Home’s Les Brown Memorial Farm in La Salle County, Illinois, for an in-depth look at their soil […]
Fertility Strategies for Organic Vegetables—Wisconsin
Join fellow farmers and University specialists for an in-depth look at the fertility management strategies and practices at Spring Hill Community Farm in Barron County, […]
September 30, 2009
Grass-Based Dairy Products: Challenges and Opportunities
There is growing consumer interest in dairy products from grass-fed cows. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental, health and taste benefits of eating dairy and other animal products from livestock fed using managed grazing. If this interest translates into demand, it may open new value-added markets for farmers who use managed grazing.
September 16, 2009
Fertility, fertilizers and food: in defense of Haber (Agroecology lecture series)
Room 270, Soils Building UW-Madison Agroecology Fall Lecture Series presents: Phillip Barak, Professor of Soil Science, UW-Madison Introduction by William Bland, Chair, Soil Science
Growing food and knowing food: the traceability of sustainability (Agroecology lecture series)
Room 270, Soils Building UW-Madison Agroecology Fall Lecture Series presents: Hugh Campbell, Director of the Centre for the Study of Food, Agriculture and Environment at […]
The seasonal connection: from the land to your plate (Agroecology lecture series)
Room 2103, Chamberlain Hall UW-Madison Agroecology Fall Lecture Series presents: Monique Hooker, Wisconsin chef, storyteller, and author of Cooking with the Seasons Introduction by Julie […]
Healthy land, food and eaters: an ecological approach to health (Agroecology lecture series)
Room 270, Soils Building UW-Madison Agroecology Fall Lecture Series presents: Angie Tagtow, managing editor, Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition Introduction by Gregg Mittman, Interim […]
Changing tastes: sustainability, demographics and the marketplace (Agroecology lecture series)
Room 270, Soils Building UW-Madison Agroecology Fall Lecture Series presents: Arlin Wasserman, Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, Sodexo Corporation Introduction by Jack Kloppenburg, […]
CALS faculty: what to eat (Agroecology lecture series)
Room 2103, Chamberlain Hall UW-Madison Agroecology Fall Lecture Series presents: Brent McCown, Gottschalk Distinguished Professor of Horticulture Franco Milani, Assistant Professor of Food Science Susan […]
Wisconsin farmers: what to eat (Agroecology lecture series)
Room 2103, Chamberlain Hall UW-Madison Agroecology Fall Lecture Series presents: Bill Bruins, President of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau and dairy farmer near Waupun Richard Cates, […]
August 21, 2009
Aronia Field Day
Anyone interested in growing, processing and marketing aronia, or consuming nutrient-rich aronia products, is invited to attend this field day at Carandale Farm. The morning […]
August 12, 2009
Grass-fed Beef Cost-of-Production Field Day
A grass-fed beef field day will be held on the Jim and Phyllis Munsch Farm at S995 Bagstad Lane, Coon Valley, WI. Refreshments will be […]
July 1, 2009
Cover Crops on the Intensive Market Farm
Crops that are grown solely to provide soil cover or for the purposes of increasing soil fertility are referred to as cover crops or green manures. Due their ability to protect and enhance soils, cover crops are considered a fundamental aspect of any sustainable cropping system.
June 22, 2009
Organic Farming Conference
February 25-27, 2010 in LaCrosse. Visit the conference web site or contact the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) for more information.
Midwest Value Added Conference and Wisconsin Food Summit
January 20-22, 2010, in Eau Claire, WI. For more information, visit the website at
University of Wisconsin Organic Farming Field Day
This event will be held at the Arlington Agricultural Research Station. Topics will include: Organic no-till soybean and corn production, sweet corn variety trials, corn […]
Kickapoo Country Fair
Visit the CIAS booth at the Kickapoo Country Fair at Organic Valley headquarters in La Farge. The all-weekend event will feature organic farm tours, farmers […]
Seminar: Veterinarians’ perceptions of organic livestock agriculture
270 Soils Bldg., UW-Madison campus. Presented by Martha Rideout, graduate student, UW-Madison agroecology program. Transitioning to organic dairy production has, by definition, altered the way […]
May 5, 2009
CIAS: a catalyst for sustainable agriculture and food ideas in Wisconsin
CIAS builds partnerships to incubate innovative ideas in agriculture, research new specialty crops, build markets for local food, train the next generation of farmers, survey organic agriculture, reduce pesticide use on farms, increase profit on family farms, and more. This document describes new projects we are launching, projects we’re currently working on, and long-term projects we continue to monitor.
Seminar: Energy, Greenhouse Gases and Small Farms
Location: UW-Madison Enzyme Institute, 1710 University Ave., Room 272 Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE) will present a seminar and discussion led by Pamela Martin, […]
April 28, 2009
Wisconsin College and University Programs and Projects in Sustainable Agriculture
Wisconsin’s colleges and universities offer a variety of classes and programs in sustainable agriculture, from practical skills taught at the technical colleges to a graduate degree in Agroecology at UW-Madison. In addition, student groups at a number of colleges offer non-formal opportunities for learning about and promoting sustainable agriculture.
April 22, 2009
Find Local Food With the 2009 Southern Wisconsin Farm Fresh Atlas
Whether you are cooking at home or enjoying a meal out on the town, the 2009 Southern Wisconsin Farm Fresh Atlas can steer you to local, sustainably grown food. The 2009 edition will be available for free in Madison and across southern Wisconsin beginning April 18.
Extension Publication Answers Consumers’ Quesions About Grass-Fed Beef
A consumer’s guide to grass-fed beef provides information about the health and environmental benefits of grass-fed beef and how to buy and cook this beef. It includes several recipes.
April 15, 2009
John Ikerd: Building a New Economy from the Current Economic Crisis
Room 115, Taylor Hall Dr. John Ikerd, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Missouri, is a widely celebrated economist, teacher, author and […]
March 24, 2009
Grazing and Organic Farming Conferences
CIAS participated in the Wisconsin Grazing Conference and the Organic Farming Conference this February. At the Wisconsin Grazing Conference, Altfrid Krusenbaum gave a presentation on […]
March 16, 2009
Growing for Local Markets: Market Options for Market Farms
Farmers with years of experience will teach you about marketing at farmers markets, with Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and directly to restaurants and food cooperatives. […]
February 16, 2009
Grass Clippings: February 2009
Grass Clippings features grazing research from the University of Wisconsin and beyond. In this issue: Fertility and pastures, beef and dairy cattle gains on different pastures, beef cattle on pasture and supplements, and Gildersleeve accepts Extension grazing job.
February 12, 2009
Tradeoffs in ecosystem services using warm-season grasses in managed pastures (Research Brief #78)
Farms provide the food, fiber and energy that people need. Farms also benefit society by providing services that may not earn money, but support functioning of the ecosystem. For instance, farms can provide carbon sequestration, water purification and wildlife habitat. The extent to which they provide these services depends on their management.
January 21, 2009
Distribution Models for Local Food
Eating locally is going mainstream. For years, committed eaters have gone out of their way to source local food from farmers’ markets, farms, roadside stands […]
January 7, 2009
Buy Local Food Regional Workshop: Platteville
University of Wisconsin-Platteville Pioneer Farm, 9am-5pm. Contact: Rink DaVee, or 608-574-3566. Farmers will receive practical advice on pricing their farm products during the morning […]
Buy Local Food Regional Workshop: Oconomowoc
Oconomowoc Lake Club, 9am-5pm. Contact: Rose Skora, Kenosha/Racine UW Extension,, 262-857-1945 or 262-886-8460. Farmers will receive practical advice on pricing their farm products during […]
Buy Local Food Regional Workshop: Phillips
Price County UW Extension Office in Phillips, 9am-5pm. Contact: Jane Hansen, Price County UW Extension, or 715-339-2555. Farmers will receive practical advice on pricing […]
Buy Local Food Regional Workshop: Eau Claire
Wednesday, February 4 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, 9am-5pm. Contact: Andrew Dane, Chippewa/Barron Counties UW Extension,, 715-726-7957 or 715-537-6381. Farmers will receive […]
January 1, 2009
Now, More Than Ever…
For 20 years, CIAS has put the Wisconsin Idea to work. What does the future hold?
Now, more than ever, we need sustainable agriculture research and outreach that integrates social, environmental and economic knowledge. In the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, CIAS is helping to lead the way toward this future. -
December 15, 2008
Wisconsin Local Food Summit
January 8-9, 2009 at the Hotel Mead in Wisconsin Rapids. For more information, visit the conference web site.
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Conference
January 4-6, 2009. This conference features workshops on apples, berries, vegetables, grapes and agritourism. It will be held at the Chula Vista resort in the […]
October 31, 2008
UW-Madison Organic Research
The following information was gathered through a search of the USDA Current Research Information System and updates from researchers. This list may not include all […]
October 21, 2008
Forage Fescues in the Northern USA
Tall fescue, meadow fescue and festulolium have potential value as forages for grazing operations in the northern USA. Meadow fescue is the most cold tolerant […]
October 20, 2008
Does pasture-finished beef make the grade? (Research Brief #77)
Finishing beef animals on pasture can potentially reduce the overhead costs of facilities and equipment compared to confinement finishing. Researchers at UW-Madison set out to learn if beef animals finished on pasture can make the Select and Choice quality grades for conventional meat markets.
Tall fescue and Kura clover for dairy and beef stockers (Research Brief #76)
Do orchardgrass, fescue or legume/grass combinations produce more meat on growing, pastured beef animals? Do beef steers, beef heifers or dairy steers show the most gain on pastures? Researchers in the departments of Animal Sciences and Agronomy at UW-Madison recently finished a three-year study to answer these questions.
October 6, 2008
Fertility Strategies for Organic Vegetables: Rock County, WI
Join fellow farmers and University specialists at Tipi Produce for an in-depth look at Steve Pincus and Beth Kazmar’s soil fertility management strategies and practices. […]
Fertility Strategies for Organic Vegetables: Woodford County, IL
Join fellow farmers and University specialists for an in-depth look at Henry Brockman’s fertility management strategies and practices. Henry will discuss his use of cover […]
October 1, 2008
How does Managed Grazing Affect Wisconsin’s Environment?
In Wisconsin, the prevalence of livestock and dairy farming has led to questions about how animal agriculture affects the environment. Many farmers who practice managed […]
September 23, 2008
The Organic Apple Grower Hour
On 18 Thursday mornings from April 24 through August 28, a group of apple growers came together over the phone to discuss holistic orchard management. […]
September 22, 2008
High Tunnel Production for Beginning and Medium Sized Commercial Growers
High tunnels are polyethylene covered greenhouse-like structures which are used to extend the growing season. This conference will feature nationally-known high tunnel experts from Penn […]
August 6, 2008
Custom Raising Dairy Heifers: Expectations and Perspectives of Wisconsin Dairy Producers
This survey explored the views, opinions and perceptions of Wisconsin dairy producers about custom grazing heifers. Findings included: All types of Wisconsin dairy producers perceive […]
Grass Clippings: August 2008
Grass Clippings features grazing research from the University of Wisconsin and beyond. In this issue: Orchardgrass, tall fescue, and meadow fescue response to nitrogen rate […]
June 11, 2008
Food and the Mid-Level Farm
Food and the Mid-Level Farm makes it clear that the demise of midsize farms and ranches is not a foregone conclusion and that the renewal of an agriculture of the middle will benefit all participants in the food system-from growers to consumers.
April 24, 2008
Grass Clippings: April 2008
Grass Clippings is a newsletter that features grazing-related research from the University of Wisconsin and beyond. The April issue features: Pure live seed Meadow fescue […]
April 11, 2008
Savor The Flavor Of Local Food With The 2008 Southern Wisconsin Farm Fresh Atlas
If you‘re into locally grown food, southern Wisconsin is a great place to be. With farmers’ markets every day of the week, pick-your-own farms, Community […]
March 25, 2008
EQIP support for IPM in Wisconsin Orchards
Beginning in 2003, Wisconsin apple and cherry growers and the University of Wisconsin worked with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to address orchard […]
February 26, 2008
Organic University
February 26, 2009. Held in conjunction with the Organic Farming Conference, the Organic University provides an in-depth look at issues relevant to successful organic farming. […]
February 19, 2008
The Wisconsin Beef Cattle Industry: A Snapshot
While Wisconsin is known as America’s Dairyland, the state’s beef industry is also thriving. Beef cows, beef heifers over 500 pounds, steers and other heifers […]
February 18, 2008
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2007 Status Report
Wisconsin is well positioned to reap the benefits sown by our organic farmers, processors and other businesses. With continued support for and investment in organics, […]
Biological Control of Insects and Mites
This University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension publication provides an introduction to the biological control of pest insects and mites. It includes basic biological information […]
January 17, 2008
CIAS Receives Wisconsin Idea Grant for Local Food
The UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems has been awarded a grant from the Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment that will help […]
January 15, 2008
Dairy farmers share custom heifer raising preferences (Research Brief #75)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) Many Wisconsin dairy farmers choose to have their young stock custom raised by someone else. This lets them concentrate on what they […]
August 27, 2007
Milking More than Profit: Life Satisfaction on Wisconsin Dairy Farms
The number of dairy farms in Wisconsin has been declining steadily for years. This decline has important implications for the economic, ecological and social sustainability […]
August 22, 2007
Join the Wisconsin Eat Local Challenge, September 14-23
Support local food, farms and communities. Take the Wisconsin Eat Local Challenge from September 14-23. During these ten days, spend at least 10% of your […]
August 16, 2007
Grass Clippings: August 2007
Grass Clippings is a quarterly newsletter that features grazing-related research from the University of Wisconsin and beyond. The August issue features: Invasive weeds on the […]
August 6, 2007
Uncommon Fruits with Sustainability Potential
Since 2003, Carandale Farm has been evaluating 42 unusual fruits for environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The goal is to find nutrient-rich fruits that can […]
June 19, 2007
Managed Grazing Education and Research in Wisconsin
This report describes managed grazing projects funded by the Wisconsin Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative from 2002-2003. Seventeen education projects supported a variety of networking activities, […]
June 18, 2007
Would You, Should You, Could You?
Participatory research brings professional researchers together with citizen stakeholders to define problems or questions, collect information, and use it to promote change. This publication addresses […]
Becoming a Certified Organic Producer
The organic food market continues to expand in the United States, consistently growing at a rate of 15 to 21 percent per year and reaching […]
May 1, 2007
Grass Clippings: May 2007
Grass Clippings is a quarterly newsletter that features grazing-related research from the University of Wisconsin and beyond. The May issue features: Interseeding legumes vs. applying […]
April 23, 2007
If You Serve It, Will They Come?
The last decade has seen rapid growth in the number of farm-to-school initiatives in the United States. Despite the proliferation of farm-to-school programs and the […]
February 22, 2007
Farm-to-school program provides learning experience (Research Brief #74)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) How do you get kids to eat their vegetables? Americans are bombarded with news about childhood obesity and the importance of replacing […]
How is cheese from pastured cows unique? (Research Brief #73)
What makes specialty cheese special? More specifically, what taste characteristics make cheese from pastured cows unique? These are important questions for farmers and milk processors wanting to create specialty dairy products from the milk of pastured cows. Preliminary research from UW-Madison shows that cheese from the milk of pastured cows tastes significantly different from other cheese. This study was not able to identify the chemical compounds causing the flavor differences. A consumer panel preferred the cheese made from the milk of cows fed pasture and grain, similar to the milk produced on most Wisconsin grazing dairy farms.
February 14, 2007
Wisconsin Grazing Conference
February 19-21, 2009. Contact Grassworks for more information about this conference.
Grass Clippings: February 2007
Grass Clippings is a quarterly newsletter that features grazing-related research from the University of Wisconsin and beyond. The February issue features: Persistence of grazed red […]
February 9, 2007
Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School
The 2008 Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers’ School was held February 9-10. For information, contact John Hendrickson:
February 6, 2007
Cows turn Pasture into Milk
This worksheet, which is geared toward older elementary school children and their teachers, presents basic information about grazing dairy cows. It presents grazing as a […]
Cheese from Pastured Cows: Comparing Taste, Texture and Color
The market for specialty cheese, including pastured cheese, is growing rapidly. Graziers, cheesemakers and marketers need to know how pastured cheese is unique. This report […]
January 18, 2007
Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers
The 2009 School for Beginning Market Growers will be held January 16-18. For information, visit the school’s web page or contact John Hendrickson:
December 11, 2006
Life Satisfaction on Grazing Dairy Farms in Wisconsin
How satisfied are graziers with their lives? According to a recent survey, graziers are more satisfied with all quality of life measures than farmers who […]
L’Etoile Teams Up with Wisconsin Homegrown Lunch
Seventh graders at Sherman Middle School are learning healthy cooking from the pros. Two Mondays each month, L’Etoile chefs Tory Miller and Eva Ringstrom teach […]
November 20, 2006
UW-Madison School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers Receives its Largest-Ever Endowment Gift
The UW-Madison”s School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers has received its biggest contribution ever—a gift of $50,000 pledged by FCS Financial Services, a farmer-owned […]
November 2, 2006
Grass Clippings: November 2006
Grass Clippings is a quarterly newsletter that features grazing-related research from the University of Wisconsin and beyond. The November issue features: Sire selection strategies for […]
August 17, 2006
The Future of Managed Grazing
Managed grazing keeps dairy and other livestock farmers profitable, promotes good land stewardship, and can save taxpayers money. A new report by the Michael Fields […]
August 10, 2006
Grass Clippings: August 2006
Grass Clippings is a quarterly newsletter linking Wisconsin graziers with University of Wisconsin researchers, extension, and US Dairy Forage Research Center personnel working in grazing […]
July 24, 2006
Eco-Fruit Project Update
The Wisconsin Apple Growers Association, four grower networks, one consultant, NRCS and UW researchers are working with CIAS to develop a production approach that reduces […]
May 23, 2006
Dairy Your Way
Beginning dairy farmers as well as seasoned producers have a new resource available from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and partner organizations including CIAS.
May 15, 2006
Odessa Piper: Spring 2006 Commencement Address
Greetings. Thank you, Chancellor [John D.] Wiley. That was a lovely introduction that you said about me, but when I started out, my path was […]
May 2, 2006
Odessa Piper will receive Honorary Degree from UW-Madison
Odessa Piper, former chef-proprietor of Madison’s L’Etoile Restaurant, is one of five activists who will receive honorary degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Friday, […]
April 6, 2006
Report Shows that Managed Grazing Dairies Succeed Statewide
When it comes to household income, farming background, age, and technology use, dairy farmers who use managed grazing aren”t all that different from farmers who […]
April 4, 2006
Enterprise Budgets Help Farmers Plan for Profits
Are you considering a new value-added business for your farm? Budgeting tools from the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin-Madison can […]
February 28, 2006
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2005 Status Report
Wisconsin continues to be a national leader in organic food production, despite the fact that certified organic farms, acreage and production represent only a small […]
Grower to Grower: Creating a Livelihood on a Fresh Market Vegetable Farm
For most fresh market vegetable growers, earning a reasonable living from their farms is a bigger challenge than growing produce. While growers often share production […]
February 15, 2006
Grazing in the Dairy State
This report summarizes statewide information about Wisconsin dairy producers who use pasture and managed grazing as feeding and farm management tools. Surveys from random samples […]
January 26, 2006
UW Grazing Research Will be Featured at Wisconsin Grazing Conference
How profitable are Wisconsin dairy graziers? Are they more satisfied with their lifestyles than other dairy farmers? Do reed canarygrass and kura clover make a […]
December 27, 2005
Poultry Your Way
Farmers who are considering starting or modifying poultry operations have a new resource available. Poultry Your Way is a free, 124-page book that profiles a […]
October 25, 2005
Rick Adamski and Valerie Dantoin receive CALS award
Graziers Rick Adamski and Valerie Dantoin of Seymour received an Honorary Recognition award from the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences on October 27. […]
August 24, 2005
Fruit with Potential for Wisconsin Farms
Carandale farm in Oregon, Wisconsin tested 99 cultivars of 34 unique fruit crop species during the 2003-2004 growing seasons. These fruit varieties are being evaluated […]
August 16, 2005
Overview of Organic Cranberry Production
Organic cranberries are produced across the continent, with over 100 acres grown in Wisconsin. The major problems facing organic cranberry growers include weeds, insect pests, […]
June 30, 2005
Specialty Cheese in Wisconsin: Opportunities and Challenges
The specialty cheese industry is one arena in the Upper Midwest where some dairy farmers can earn more than commodity prices for their milk. But […]
May 19, 2005
Specialty Foods Enterprise Budget
Customer demand for high-quality, unique specialty food products is growing rapidly. Many farmers are interested in processing specialty foods from the fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy […]
Dairy Sheep Enterprise Budget
Low commodity prices have inspired farmers to look at alternative enterprises, like sheep dairies, to increase their farm incomes. With careful financial planning and management, […]
February 19, 2005
The Social Implications of Management Intensive Rotational Grazing: An Annotated Bibliography
Management Intensive Rotational Grazing represents an increasingly attractive option for dairy farmers looking to cut costs and boost profits. The number of Wisconsin dairy farms […]
February 1, 2005
Pastures of plenty: Financial performance of Wisconsin grazing dairy farms
Farms using managed grazing typically produce less milk per cow than confinement farms. However, a series of economic studies in Wisconsin and elsewhere show that, […]
January 3, 2005
Stories From the Field: Environmental Research at the University of Wisconsin
CIAS and Wisconsin Public Television produced educational videos on sustainable agriculture and fresh market fruit and vegetables. See the video: Fresh Market Fruit and Vegetables, […]
December 1, 2004
Valuing labor and improving efficiency on an integrated farm (Research Brief #72)
Farmers Tony and Dela Ends want their farm to sustain the land and their family. They began selling subscriptions to their Community
Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm in 1994. They also wanted to successfully integrate
livestock production into their farm through a value-added, direct marketing enterprise. Their goal was to do this in ways that respect the scale of a small family farm, satisfy their
commitments to stewardship, and eliminate the need for off-farm income. -
September 1, 2004
Beneficial insect habitat in an apple orchard: Effects on pests (Research Brief #71)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) Apple orchards attract many kinds of insects that damage vegetation and fruit. But these orchard pests have insect enemies of their own. […]
August 11, 2004
Working with Retail Buyers
This report provides background information for farmers who are considering selling their products through retail stores. Is retail the right option for you and your […]
August 1, 2004
Do farming practices affect corn and soybean quality traits? (Research Brief #70)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) Grain farmers can help the environment by expanding their corn-soybean rotations to include additional crops. Research has shown that expanded rotations can […]
June 30, 2004
Wisconsin Soil Health Scorecard
The Wisconsin Soil Health Scorecard assesses soil health as a function of soil, plant, animal and water properties identified by farmers. The scorecard is a […]
June 24, 2004
Scouting Vegetables for Pests
The cornerstone of any Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program is regular scouting of the crop at hand. It’s important that the scouting or monitoring practices […]
June 18, 2004
Dairy Goat Enterprise Budget
CIAS has developed a spreadsheet to help farmers make financial and management decisions about new or existing dairy goat enterprises. It is applicable to most […]
February 17, 2004
Madison Schools Celebrate Healthy, Homegrown Food with Winter Harvest Meals
The bounty of our spring and summer gardens is still a few months away, yet hundreds of Madison school children and their families will enjoy […]
February 1, 2004
A Matter of Scale: Small Farms in the North Central Region
The size of the average farm in the Midwest grew steadily in the second half of the 20th century. As farm size has gone up, the number of farms has gone down. The shrinking number of farms in America no longer represents people liberated from the drudgery of agricultural toil. Instead it brings to mind families forced to leave the land and work they love by falling agricultural prices and rising costs of production.
Home Grown Wisconsin: Marketing fresh produce cooperatively (Research Brief #69)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) Home Grown Wisconsin (HGW) is a cooperative wholesale business located in south-central Wisconsin that markets produce from member farms to restaurants in […]
January 1, 2004
Community Supported Agriculture farms: management and income (Research Brief #68)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) One critical goal of the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement is to sustain farm families economically. CSA farms offer memberships to consumers, […]
Community Supported Agriculture farms: national survey results (Research Brief #67)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) After years of innovation and perspiration, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) continues to grow and evolve. A CSA farm raises food for “farm […]
October 2, 2003
CSA Across the Nation: Findings from the 1999 and 2001 CSA Surveys
The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement in the United States has grown to include over 1,000 farms that are linking growers and customers in unique […]
October 1, 2003
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2003 Status Report
Organic food sales in the US have grown 20% or more annually throughout the last decade and remain strong. Organic products are now available in […]
Flavor, not health claims, key in marketing pasture-based cheese (Research Brief #66)
A small but growing group of consumers is paying attention to the health benefits of milk and meat from animals raised on pasture. Meat and milk from grazed ruminants have higher levels of “good fat” than ruminants fed stored feeds. Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is one of those “good fats.” Some people claim that CLA can inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors, enhance immunity, reduce cholesterol, and replace fat with muscle. Can dairy farmers raising cows on pasture capitalize on these health claims with specialty cheese?
Harvest Festivals Reveal the Benefits and Challenges of Serving Local Produce in Schools
What do students at Shorewood Hills, Lincoln, and Chavez Elementary Schools have in common? All 1,400 of them, along with school staff and parents, will […]
July 1, 2003
Biological control of Canada thistle: more work needed (Research Brief #65)
Canada thistle is a big headache for livestock producers managing pastures. Animals won’t eat this spiny, tough plant, reducing productivity of pastures and livestock. Despite being on Wisconsin’s noxious weed list and a target for serious control for many years, it is still a significant, widespread problem.
June 1, 2003
Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction: An Investment in the Future of Wisconsin Agriculture
The Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction (PURR) Project was initiated in 1998 to help farmers anticipate the effects of more restrictive federal pesticide regulation. Fourteen […]
March 1, 2003
Poultry Enterprise Budget Makes Management Decisions Easier
Low commodity prices have inspired many farmers to look at alternative enterprises, like poultry production, to increase their farm income. With careful financial planning and […]
February 1, 2003
Lawn care herbicide linked to reproductive problems in mice (Research Brief #64)
Researchers at UW-Madison found that exposure to low levels of a common lawn herbicide mixture led to reduced litter sizes in laboratory mice. This research builds on other studies showing possible links between pesticide exposure and reproductive and/or developmental problems in animals and humans.
Poultry Enterprise Budget
Enterprises like pastured poultry can add to farm income with careful financial planning. CIAS has developed a spreadsheet to help farmers make financial and management […]
January 1, 2003
Large-scale pastured poultry farming in the U.S. (Research Brief #63)
Can you make a living raising pastured poultry on a large scale? “Yes, but talk to farmers who’ll give you their whole story, including their failures, before you begin,” one producer participating in a 2000 Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) survey advises.
December 1, 2002
Integrated Pest Management: An Overview for Market Growers
Chemicals are not the only, or often the best, option for controlling pest problems. Integrated Pest Management is an alternative that uses all appropriate pest […]
Integrated Weed Management for Fresh Market Production
In fruit and vegetable production, more labor is often spent on weed management than any other task. Understanding where a weed grows, why it grows […]
Fresh market growers share pest management strategies (Research Brief #62)
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines monitoring practices with cultural, physical, and biological control strategies to manage pests with a minimum of pesticides. With support from the Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction Project at CIAS, UW-Madison rural sociologist Pete Nowak and Extension IPM specialist Karen Delahaut surveyed Wisconsin fresh market vegetable and berry growers in 2001. They found that many fresh market vegetable and berry growers in Wisconsin use IPM practices.
November 12, 2002
Report Encourages Wisconsin Investment in Organic Agriculture
Organic food sales in the U.S. have grown 20% or more annually for the past decade and remain strong. A new report details the growth […]
November 7, 2002
Resource CD Provides Facts and Tools for Fresh Market Vegetable Growers
A new resource CD from the University of Wisconsin provides a wealth of production and marketing information for fresh market vegetable growers. The “Fresh Market […]
October 1, 2002
Ovsynch results variable on grass-based dairy farms (Research Brief #61)
To take maximum advantage of pasture growth, dairy farmers using rotational grazing often have a short (less than 3 month) spring calving window as a goal. But this is difficult to achieve. CIAS-supported research on a Wisconsin grazing farm shows that the Ovsynch breeding program, while successful on confinement dairy farms, can be problematic on grazing dairy farms.
September 1, 2002
Building Soil Organic Matter with Organic Amendments
If you follow practices that build and maintain soil organic matter, especially through the addition of organic amendments, you will improve the quality of your […]
April 1, 2002
Maxwell is interim head of Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Doug Maxwell, professor emeritus of plant pathology, will serve as interim director of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Maxwell […]
March 1, 2002
The Art and Science of Composting
Composting is controlled decomposition, the natural breakdown process of organic residues. Composting transforms raw organic waste materials into biologically stable, humic substances that make excellent […]
February 1, 2002
Contest Spreads the Word about IPM
Write a clever IPM ditty today. You may win fame On Wisconsin Highways! Do your friends and family applaud your priceless sense of humor? Or […]
Apple disease control alternatives (Research Brief #60)
Sooty blotch and flyspeck are fungal diseases that can reduce the economic value of fresh market apples. While these diseases don’t affect yield or quality below the surface, they can badly discolor apple skin. These diseases are especially serious for growers using integrated pest management (IPM) and organic practices.
January 4, 2002
Holstein steers show good gains on kura clover (Research Brief #59)
Is kura clover a good legume choice in rotationally grazed pastures? A study conducted at the UW Lancaster Agricultural Research Station says yes, with excellent beef production on kura clover/grass pastures. Kura’s persistence and leafy growth led to higher Holstein steer growth rates on kura/grass pastures than red clover/grass pastures.
January 1, 2002
New Zealand internships provide eye-opening experience
“I must say it was the hardest I’ve ever worked for free, but somehow I really didn’t mind. I knew that the knowledge I gained […]
October 2, 2001
Starting your own dairy farm (Research Brief #58)
Despite volatile milk prices, hundreds of new farmers get started in dairying each year. Compared to other types of livestock farming, dairying can provide a higher income per animal, monthly paychecks, and, in many areas, more markets.
October 1, 2001
Conference to address sustainability of agriculture, forestry, and communities
Agricultural lands do more than raise crops-they raise families, provide wildlife habitat, create small business opportunities and jobs, support rural economies, and provide natural beauty […]
Nurturing the Next Generation of Wisconsin’s Dairy Farmers
New dairy farmers often face high start-up costs for land, equipment and facilities. Volatile milk prices, long hours and hard work reduce the appeal of […]
Raising poultry on pasture (Research Brief #57)
A common way to raise pastured poultry involves putting 75 to 100 three- to four-week old meat chickens in movable pens during the growing season. These floorless 10′ by 12′ by 2′ pens are moved daily by sliding them along the ground, providing fresh pasture. Chickens also receive a grain-based ration. At 8-14 weeks, the chickens are butchered and sold to consumers or restaurants.
August 1, 2001
Locally Grown and Organic Food on the Menu at University of Wisconsin-Madison
When freshmen arrive at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus this fall, they will find food raised on Wisconsin farms and organically grown food on the […]
July 24, 2001
The College Food Project: Economic Impact
UW-Madison’s Memorial Union caters food for many events on campus, including large summer conferences. In July 2001, the Union served four mostly organic and locally […]
The College Food Project: Sample Menus
Seasonal Regional Organic Vegetarian Dinner Frank’s Place dining hall, UW-MadisonOctober 10, 2000 Menu: Vegetable stewStir fry with riceVeggie burgersPotato and nacho barRoot vegetable mixBeetsAcorn squashCranberry […]
The College Food Project: Northland College Case Study
Every day, Northland College serves its students organic food that was grown right in their county. Northland is located in Ashland, a northern Wisconsin town […]
The College Food Project: UW-Madison Case Study
There are two separate food service operations at UW-Madison, and both are involved in buying farmer-direct and organic foods. The UW-Madison Housing Food Service has […]
February 1, 2001
Starting—and succeeding—as a Wisconsin dairy farmer (Research Brief #56)
You don’t need to take over a family farm, or even grow up on a farm, to be a successful dairy farmer in Wisconsin. You […]
Zepeda Named as Director of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Lydia Zepeda, an associate professor of consumer science, has been chosen as director of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at UW-Madison. Zepeda replaces former […]
January 1, 2001
Dishing up local food on Wisconsin campuses (Research Brief #55)
If colleges and universities purchased five to ten percent of their food directly from local farms, imagine the extra income that could end up in […]
Community kitchens: key elements of success (Research Brief #54)
It can be tough to make a living from commodity crops, but Wisconsin farmers may be in an ideal position to reap profits from value-added […]
Low-input forage rotation: similar returns, reduced costs (Research Brief #53)
Dairy farmers can reduce their purchased inputs without cutting into their profits. An ongoing twelve-year study of two forage rotations similar to those found on […]
CSA: More for your money than fresh vegetables (Research Brief #52)
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms provide their members with more than fresh produce. CSA farms engage their members in agriculture through newsletters, farm celebrations, and […]
Switchgrass production for biomass (Research Brief #51)
Switchgrass offers a wide range of environmental benefits as an alternative energy crop. Switchgrass can reduce soil erosion and provide warm season pasture for most […]
November 1, 2000
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Leads Development of National Network
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) has taken the lead in building a national network of university centers and programs working […]
July 1, 2000
Wisconsin Colleges Pay Family Farmers a Fair Price for Quality Food
Now more than ever, farmers are looking for new markets and customers who will pay a fair price for their products. Dining services at four […]
June 1, 2000
Management Tool Helps Farmers Convert Pastures to Profits
Stocker production can help farmers convert pastures to profits, particularly if they have a surplus of grass but not a lot of facilities. Managing pasture, […]
Pest-Free Apples…Naturally!
Orchardist Dale Secher speaks for many of Wisconsin’s fruit growers when he says that he cares about his customers as much as his bottom line. […]
April 1, 2000
Five Named to Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Council
The UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems announced the appointment of five new members to its Citizens Advisory Council. These Council members will help set […]
February 1, 2000
Are Alternative Agricultural Markets Right for You?
The year 2000 began with some of the lowest commodity prices we’ve seen in decades. These depressed prices are making for difficult times in Wisconsin […]
January 4, 2000
Dairy grazing can provide good financial return (Research Brief #50)
An ongoing financial study of farms that use management intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) shows that generation of income is the main factor separating the farms […]
January 3, 2000
Wisconsin grazing networks: a status report (Research Brief #49)
Grazing networks have played an important role in the adoption of grass farming in Wisconsin. A grazing network is a group of people, usually within […]
January 2, 2000
Echineacea as a tobacco crop alternative (Research Brief #48)
Many Wisconsin tobacco farmers are looking for alternative crops following the ongoing reductions in tobacco allotments and tobacco markets. Allotment reductions mean lower production levels […]
January 1, 2000
Annual ryegrass trial shows limits, promise (Research Brief #47)
Late maturing varieties of annual (Italian) ryegrass hold some potential for pastures in a management intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) system. However, in a 1997-98 on-farm […]
The Wisconsin Foodshed
From 1997-2000, CIAS published a newsletter for people working to create sustainable food systems. The Wisconsin Foodshed was conceived as a forum where activists, researchers, […]
Selling Certified Organic Produce to Retail Produce Markets in the Upper Midwest
Retail produce buyers in Minneapolis, MN and Madison, WI were interviewed to see if there are opportunities for small-scale growers of certificed organic produce. Produce […]
Echinacea as a Tobacco Crop Alternative
Tobacco farmers in Wisconsin have been losing base acreage and income in recent years. Because Echinacea and tobacco production share many similarities, Echinacea has been […]
December 2, 1999
Pastured poultry study addresses broad range of issues (Research Brief #46)
Farmers wishing to capitalize on the trend of increased consumption of white meat can consider raising chickens. But for many, a conventional commercial chicken operation’s […]
December 1, 1999
Composted manures offer yield and disease resistance benefits (Research Brief #45)
Composted manures offer promise as beneficial soil amendments for vegetable growers. New research results show that composted manures can increase vegetable yield, influence crop diseases, […]
September 3, 1999
Diversity pays off on cash grain farms (Research Brief #44)
Cash grain farmers can improve their bottom line by diversifying crops and reducing chemical inputs, according to a cropping systems trial now in its eighth […]
September 2, 1999
Cropping systems trial provides unique analysis (Research Brief #43)
Can environmentally beneficial crop rotations also improve farm profitability? A long-term study underway in southern Wisconsin aims to find out. It blends systems research with […]
September 1, 1999
Pesticide options in field crops: helping farmers with FQPA (Research Brief #42)
Recent federal legislation will reduce the number and amounts of pesticides available to farmers. But producers can start planning now for these changes by reducing […]
March 1, 1999
Managing a CSA farm 2: community, economics, marketing and training (Research Brief #41)
Community supported agriculture (CSA) farmers need communication and management skills to meet a variety of challenges in building a community of members, balancing income and […]
Managing a CSA farm 1:production, labor and land (Research Brief #40)
Farmers using the community supported agriculture (CSA) model can expect both rewards and challenges in this intense, diversified, community-oriented approach. A solid understanding of CSA […]
February 2, 1999
New markets for producers: selling to colleges (Research Brief #39)
Colleges can support local farmers, highlight regional foods in their cafeterias, grills, and catering services, and educate future consumers about local, sustainably produced foods. This […]
February 1, 1999
New markets for producers: selling to retail stores (Research Brief #38)
You can find shelves filled with organic produce at natural foods stores and increasingly at supermarkets as well. Who supplies this organic produce? Does it […]
January 4, 1999
Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy Farmers (Research Brief #37)
Wisconsin has suffered dramatic losses in numbers of dairy farms. While the decrease in part includes large numbers of retiring dairy farmers, the lack of […]
January 3, 1999
Stocker cattle convert pasture to profits (Research Brief #36)
Purchasing calves (stockers) in spring and selling them in the fall as feeder cattle may be a way to convert pasture to profit for those […]
January 2, 1999
Outwintering dairy cattle: the fate of manure components (Research Brief #35)
Farmers who wish to outwinter their cattle to decrease facility and labor costs can do so in environmentally sound ways. In a study conducted during […]
January 1, 1999
Sharemilking in Wisconsin: evaluating a farm entry/exit strategy (Research Brief #34)
In a sharemilking agreement, a young farmer operates a farm on behalf of the farm owner for an agreed share of farm income and expenses. […]
September 4, 1998
New Zealand’s dairy career path: could it work in Wisconsin? (Research Brief #33)
Dairy farming is a solid career choice, offering good status and pay, a high quality of life, and well-defined training and career paths. That’s the […]
September 3, 1998
Farm networks work: a CSA success story (Research Brief #32)
What makes a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm successful? Good management and know-how and networking and outreach. Formal research and support for CSA have not […]
September 2, 1998
Grazing’s potential: expansion’s effects on cash flow (Research Brief #31)
All farm types examined here, particularly the low and medium investment farms with high levels of debt, may find an expansion involving sweat equity to […]
September 1, 1998
Grazing’s potential: predicting expansion’s cost, profit (Research Brief #30)
Many successful graziers, confident in their grazing and management skills, are now asking: Will an expansion pay for a labor-saving parlor within a modified seasonal […]
February 4, 1998
Women on dairy farms: juggling roles and responsibilities (Research Brief #29)
If you want to know how important women are to running a dairy farm in Wisconsin, just ask farm couples. Six hundred farm couples were […]
February 3, 1998
Outwintering dairy cattle: manure management issues (Research Brief #28)
The sparkling, frozen world of Wisconsin in winter presents several challenges to its dairy farmers. One of these challenges is how to manage dairy cattle […]
February 2, 1998
Outwintering dairy cattle: animal health issues (Research Brief #27)
Farmers are finding that dairy cattle are a lot tougher and more resourceful than they have been given credit for. —Ed Brick Can dairy cattle […]
February 1, 1998
Dairy farmer career paths: getting in, out, and by (Research Brief #26)
The experiences of New Zealand’s dairy farmers may help their colleagues in Wisconsin boost the state’s dairy industry. That’s the conclusion of a study on […]
January 1, 1998
Spreading the word: ag professionals and MIRG (Research Brief #25)
What predicts ag professionals’ knowledge of and willingness to make recommendations on management intensive rotational grazing (MIRG)? A UW-Madison survey of agricultural professionals throughout Wisconsin […]
Something to Cheer About
Anecdotal reports from producers, processors and marketers of sustainable agriculture products suggest that trade opportunities with college and university food services are difficult to establish […]
July 1, 1997
Designing and building a New Zealand-style milking parlor
What features make New Zealand-style swing-over parlors so attractive to some dairy farmers? What decisions might a farm family face in adding one of these […]
December 15, 1996
Impacts of Management Intensive Rotational Grazing on stream ecology and water quality
News from the Grazing Dairy Systems Network December 15, 1996 Contributed by Laura Paine University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Agronomy One important way to control […]
October 4, 1996
Manure management research from an integrated perspective (Research Brief #24)
Solving complex agricultural problems like how to improve manure management systems requires strong disciplinary research combined with farmers and scientists coming together to apply adaptive, […]
October 3, 1996
Farmer-to-farmer networks: effective grass-roots sharing (Research Brief #23)
Successful farmer-to-farmer networks assume that each person has valuable knowledge and experience to contribute. — Stephanie Rittmann Farmer-to-farmer networks are thriving in Wisconsin as a […]
October 2, 1996
Windbreaks: trees as technology for protecting Wisconsin’s topsoil (Research Brief #22)
We need a lot more protection of erosion-prone land than we have. Windbreaks are an important component of this effort to control wind erosion. — […]
October 1, 1996
Community supported agriculture: growing food…and community (Research Brief #21)
Unlike conventional agriculture, in which farmers bear the risks of weather, pests, and the marketplace alone, in community supported agriculture the entire community shares both […]
June 1, 1996
Windrow composting systems can be feasable, cost effective (Research Brief #20)
One of the things we were interested in was how to implement a composting system without changing a farmer’s existing setup. — Bill Connolly, UW-River […]
Coming into the Foodshed
Bioregionalists have championed the utility of the concept of the watershed as an organizing framework for thought and action directed to understanding and implementing appropriate […]
May 1, 1996
Dairy farmer career paths
This report is based on observations of dairy farmer career structures in New Zealand gathered during a field trip to that country in the spring […]
April 1, 1996
Management intensive rotational grazing’s sense…and dollars (Research Brief #19)
What we’re seeing is a little extra money from grazing while putting in a little less labor. — Gary Frank How can dairy farmers make […]
January 1, 1996
Why make the transition to grazing? Wisconsin farmers share their perspectives
In 1994 and 1995, CIAS conducted case studies with six Wisconsin dairy farming families who’ve adopted management intensive rotational grazing practices. One topic these farmers […]
October 1, 1995
Regional Food Systems Research: Needs, Priorities, and Recommendations
Why question the modern food system? While the modern food system is efficient and bountiful as measured by many traditional criteria, a growing number of […]
CROPP study maps paths to small-scale co-op marketing success (Research Brief #18)
The 1993 study helped us see the potentials for marketing cooperatives, and the decisions CROPP has made since then are instructive for anyone interested in […]
May 2, 1995
Land stewardship practices on the Krusenbaum organic dairy farm (Research Brief #17)
It’s important that we farm organically. That’s the whole reason we’re in farming. We have ethical reasons we feel it’s important to treat the soil […]
May 1, 1995
An organic dairying overview from the Krusenbaum farm studies (Research Brief #16)
It’s important that we farm organically. That’s the whole reason we’re in farming. We have ethical reasons we feel it’s important to treat the soil […]
January 1, 1995
The Grass IS Greener: Dairy Graziers Tell Their Stories
The report tells the story, from the perspective of the 16 Wisconsin and Minnesota farm families involved, of their involvement in an innovative research, education, […]
January 1, 1994
Radially Organized Teams
Radially organized research teams can bring together researchers, farmers, consumers and policy makers to do systems level work. A small hub manages the team, with […]
Energy Use in the U.S. Food System: a summary of existing research and analysis
Energy derived from fossil fuel plays a central role in the production, processing and distribution of food. This paper summarizes existing research and analyses of […]
April 4, 1993
Project evaluates forage production and potential in northern Wisconsin (Research Brief #15)
More than one million acres of forages are grown within 75 miles of Hayward in northwestern Wisconsin. The area relies heavily on growing forages and […]
April 3, 1993
Marketing beef cattle via satellite, video auction proves succesful in areas distant from markets (Research Brief #14)
Video and satellite auctions provide a number of marketing advantages to cattle producers who live long distances from markets or feeding areas. A five-year research […]
April 2, 1993
Milk production and quality of pastured cows rival confinement feeding (Research Brief #13)
Pastured Holstein cows are as productive as their haylage-fed counterparts in an Arlington Agricultural Research Station study. The study is comparing milk production and fat […]
April 1, 1993
Grazing project combines strength of on-farm, research station studies (Research Brief #12)
Wisconsin dairy farmers are once again finding the value of pasture-based farming by intensively grazing their pastures. Although not a new practice in some areas […]
March 1, 1993
Long-term study evaluates impacts of six Wisonsin cropping systems (Research Brief #11)
Wisconsin cash grain and dairy livestock cropping systems have gone on trial. The goal is to identify and evaluate trade-offs of various production strategies. An […]
February 1, 1993
Project provides valuable lessons at lambing time (Research Brief #10)
A livestock and forage production project at the Hayward Agricultural Research Station provided researchers with some valuable lessons at lambing time. The purpose of the […]
Making a shepherd’s life easier: how to handle a 300-ewe flock without a lot of help (Research Brief #9)
There are ways to manage a 300-ewe flock without a lot of hired help or expensive choring equipment.
Low-cost forage storage system saves time, labor (Research Brief #8)
“Edible” bunker silos may enable Wisconsin livestock farmers to save labor and money when storing and feeding forages.
January 1, 1993
Beef, sheep can provide modest income souce in northern Wisconsin (Research Brief #7)
A livestock operation in northern Wisconsin won’t make you rich, but it can provide a source of supplemental income.
December 1, 1992
Pilot project shows potenital for agricultural tourism in Wisconsin (Research Brief #6)
Agriculture and tourism — two of Wisconsin’s most important industries — are teaming up in southwestern Wisconsin. A pilot project has found that tourists, rural […]
October 1, 1992
Traps help monitor pine root weevil in Christmas trees (Research Brief #5)
An easy-to-use trap may allow Wisconsin Christmas tree growers in the future to market healthy trees with less insecticide. Developed by University of Wisconsin-Madison entomologists, […]
Organic potatoes: they can be grown, but can they be profitable? (Research Brief #4)
Organic potatoes can be grown on a large-scale without commercial pesticides and standard fertilizers. However, production costs for organic potatoes are higher and their yields […]
Potato varieties show resistance to early blight (Research Brief #3)
Growers, processors and consumers alike may reap the benefits from a recent study that has identified several potato varieties with improved resistance to early blight. […]
July 1, 1992
Preplant soil nitrate test saves money, protects groundwater (Research Brief #2)
The preplant soil nitrate test can save farmers money while reducing the risk of groundwater contamination
March 1, 1992
Sustainable agriculture curriculum materials
As one of its first projects, in 1989 and 1990, CIAS collaborated with the Wisconsin Rural Development Center and the Department of Public Instruction to […]
Sustainable agriculture: balancing profits and human and natural resources (Research Brief #1)
What is sustainable agriculture, and why is it important? In recent years, many people, both rural and urban residents, have become concerned that the agricultural […]