Eco-Fruit Program Supports Growers with Networking and Coaching

The CIAS Eco-Fruit program is featured in the latest report on IPM from the American Farmland Trust. The report features growers in the CIAS Eco-Fruit Network: Tom and Gretchen Griffith of Door Creek Orchard, Dane County grower Jim Lindemann, and Craig Schultz, who farms in the Chippewa Falls area. These growers, and many others, have increased the use of IPM on their farms through networking and coaching offered through the Eco-Fruit program.
“The more the growers network with each other, the more they’re willing to listen to other growers and try new things. There’s been more learning since this project largely because of growers talking to each other.”
—John Aue, program IPM coach
Read the report here.
Excerpted from The Power of Nature: Integrated Pest Management Helps Great Lakes Farms Protect Their Crops, Environment and Food Supply. American Farmland Trust, 2012.