Workshop: Freight Innovations to Optimize Regional Food Resiliency
Moving food from rural areas into large metropolitan regions is an expensive proposition. Regional shippers are looking for ways to reduce labor costs and improve fuel efficiency. Distribution centers are interested in securing more regionally-produced food to meet consumer demand and differentiate their stores. Planners are looking for ways to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. Food activists want to see food businesses owned by community members bloom in their neighborhoods.
This workshop provides an opportunity to consider systemic improvements to how food is moved from rural to urban areas and in such a way that potentially can meet the needs of all stakeholders. The workshop will start at 9am and run seven hours, including a working lunch for networking.
The workshop will address the following topics:
- Regional shipper concerns when accessing the Chicago market
- Private sector efforts to improve freight transportation in the Los Angeles mega-region
- Efficiencies to be gained from splitting trucking options into rural and urban modes
- Market issues for accessing regional food and last mile delivery
For more information, visit the workshop web page and the online registration link.