Wholesale Success Workshops
Register for a Wholesale Success workshop in your area with trainer Atina Diffley. Learn about food safety best practices, working with wholesale buyers, post-harvest handling, maintaining the cold chain, and cleaning, drying, packing and grading. Participants receive the Wholesale Success Manual, a 316-page guide to best practices in wholesale and crop-specific profiles for over 100 crops. The cost is $20 for the workshop and includes lunch. Registration is still open for these workshops:
March 15, 8:30 am to 5 pm, Portage County Courthouse Annex Building, Stevens Point: Contact Erin Silva of the UW-Madison Plant Pathology Department at emsilva@wisc.edu or 608-890-1503 for registration information.
March 17, 9 am to 5 pm, Waunakee Village Center, Waunakee: Contact Kelly Maynard of CIAS at kelly.maynard@wisc.edu or 703-343-3358 for registration information.
March 18, 8:30 am to 5 pm, Vernon Memorial Medical Building, Viroqua: Contact Erin Silva of the UW-Madison Plant Pathology Department at emsilva@wisc.edu or 608-890-1503 for registration information.