Good Bugs Bad Bugs, Basic Entomology for Farm, Garden & Fun
Hosted by the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
Join PJ Leisch, Director of the UW-Madison Insect Diagnostic Lab to answer the question “Is this insect good to have in my vegetable garden/farm?” The workshop will include some basic entomology, identification techniques and a hands-on component. We will focus on insects that commonly are found in the garden & on the farm and those affecting the natural world around us.
Instructor Patrick (PJ) Liesch is the director of the UW-Madison Insect Diagnostic Lab. He holds degrees in biological sciences (B.S., UW-Parkside) and entomology (M.S., UW-Madison). PJ is also involved with the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program and the First Detector Network. In addition, he is an instructor in the Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training and UW Farm and Industry Short Course programs. PJ is also a regular guest on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Larry Meiller Show.
Sign up now! Advance registration costs $40. Day-of, walk-in registration fee will be $50.