Green Lands Blue Waters Conference
THEME: OVER, UNDER, THROUGH to CLC – strong partners, new allies, and fresh perspectives moving continuous living cover (CLC) farming forward.
The way we farm can be the solution to big challenges: climate, water, wildlife, vibrant rural communities.
Attendees at our previous GLBW conference dug deep into robust discussions, highlighting major barriers to increasing CLC across the agricultural landscape: markets and economic drivers, policy, research and information gaps, systems factors, and the most mentioned hurdle: mindset and message—human inertia stuck in the status quo.
Farming now faces new norms with chaotic weather, economic uncertainty, social divisions, and increasing pressure to deliver both quality products and environmental benefits. Collaborative solutions are more important than ever, and the benefits of continuous living cover farming go way beyond the farm gate.
At this year’s conference, learn how grounded champions who have worked for decades to change agricultural paradigms are collaborating with the next generation of agricultural leaders and new allies in creative partnerships to break (or not break) new ground, keeping our soil and our communities rooted as we endeavor to create a resilient agriculture. Plan to come away lifted by the voices of many determined allies moving this important work forward, together.
For more information, visit the conference website.