Grass-fed Beef Cost-of-Production Field Day
A grass-fed beef field day will be held on the Jim and Phyllis Munsch Farm at S995 Bagstad Lane, Coon Valley, WI. Refreshments will be served. Grass-fed beef is gaining popularity among consumers and many producers are receiving a premium price for their meat. Market price is one side of profitability. The other side—cost-of-production—is the subject of a study involving 30 grass-fed and organic beef producers from Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska. This field day will highlight Jim and Phyllis’ organic, pasture-based system of raising grass-fed beef from calving to finishing with a focus on cost-of-production and profitability. For more information, contact Laura Paine, DATCP: 608-224-5120 or For directions to the farm, call Jim Munsch: 608-452-3769