Join the Wisconsin Eat Local Challenge, September 14-23

Support local food, farms and communities. Take the Wisconsin Eat Local Challenge from September 14-23. During these ten days, spend at least 10% of your food budget on locally grown and locally made foods.
If local food is new to you, then 10% of your food budget is an easy starting point. If you spend $150 on food during these ten days, you would need to spend $15 on local food to participate in this challenge. You can also include local food that you grow, hunt or gather yourself, or obtain from others. If you already eat local food, or if you are up for a bigger challenge, you can exceed this goal.
For this challenge, we are defining local food as anything grown or made in Wisconsin, or within a 100 mile radius of your home.
The Wisconsin Eat Local Challenge is organized by the Central Rivers Farmshed, Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Northwest Wisconsin Regional Food Network, REAP Food Group/Buy Fresh Buy Local Southern Wisconsin, Sustain Dane, UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS), and UW-Stevens Point Global Environmental Management Education Center (GEM).
For more information, go to the Wisconsin Eat Local Challenge website. (This link goes to the 2008 Challenge site.)