Taking Root: 5th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference
Hosted by the National Farm to School Network, this conference will take place in Detroit. For more information, visit the conference website.
Farm to Cafeteria is TAKING ROOT all across the country. Entering its second decade, farm to cafeteria is becoming a permanent feature of school meals. It’s now the subject of collaborations with community groups, state policy and even a new national initiative within the US Department of Agriculture.
During the conference attendees will have the opportunity to learn about initiatives involving preschool, K-12, childcare facilities, hospitals, colleges and prisons. Prospects for professional development will abound with short courses on media training, policy advocacy, research and evaluation.
The conference has something to offer everyone, from field trips and short courses to workshops, a sampling of local foods and perhaps best of all…the chance to connect with others. Join us in Detroit as we work together towards forging new frontiers in the realm of Farm to Cafeteria.