Category: Crop-Forages
Posted on January 4, 2002
Holstein steers show good gains on kura clover (Research Brief #59)
Is kura clover a good legume choice in rotationally grazed pastures? A study conducted at the UW Lancaster Agricultural Research Station says yes, with excellent beef production on kura clover/grass pastures. Kura’s persistence and leafy growth led to higher Holstein steer growth rates on kura/grass pastures than red clover/grass pastures.
Posted on January 1, 2001
Low-input forage rotation: similar returns, reduced costs (Research Brief #53)
Dairy farmers can reduce their purchased inputs without cutting into their profits. An ongoing twelve-year study of two forage rotations similar to those found on […]
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Switchgrass production for biomass (Research Brief #51)
Switchgrass offers a wide range of environmental benefits as an alternative energy crop. Switchgrass can reduce soil erosion and provide warm season pasture for most […]
Posted on January 1, 2000
Annual ryegrass trial shows limits, promise (Research Brief #47)
Late maturing varieties of annual (Italian) ryegrass hold some potential for pastures in a management intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) system. However, in a 1997-98 on-farm […]
Posted on April 4, 1993
Project evaluates forage production and potential in northern Wisconsin (Research Brief #15)
More than one million acres of forages are grown within 75 miles of Hayward in northwestern Wisconsin. The area relies heavily on growing forages and […]
Posted on February 1, 1993
Low-cost forage storage system saves time, labor (Research Brief #8)
“Edible” bunker silos may enable Wisconsin livestock farmers to save labor and money when storing and feeding forages.