Category: Crop-Grain
Posted on November 24, 2020
Grant supports expanding supply chains for regional grains to local cafeterias
The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) at UW-Madison was awarded a grant through the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s Farmers Market Promotion Program for a […]
Posted on August 21, 2019
Turning Grain into Dough: Farm Financial Management for Organic Grain and Crop Rotation
As of 2019 the five-year average farm gate price of organic corn in the U.S. is around $9 per bushel while the average for conventional corn has been about $3.50. Is it any wonder that some farmers are looking at what it takes to transition to certified organic production?
Posted on February 28, 2017
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2017 Status Report
Wisconsin is a national leader in organic agriculture. Wisconsin had 1,334 organic farms in 2015, nearly doubling over the last 10 years. This puts our state in a good position to participate in the growing market for organic food, both in the U.S. and across the globe.
Posted on November 11, 2015
Agriculture, transportation and climate change: Considering the future of agricultural freight transport in the Upper Mississippi River Valley
The World Economic Forum rates food crises, extreme weather and failure of infrastructure as top global risks in 2015. Around the world, regions are contending with extreme weather, including drought, flooding and changes in growing seasons.
Posted on May 19, 2015
The Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial: Long-Term Research for Resilient Agriculture
The Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial (WICST) was established in 1989 in response to farmers and others making a case for long-term research on low-input farming. WICST set out to investigate both the benefits and limitations of alternative agriculture through replicated research on the productivity, profitability and environmental impacts of both sustainably and conventionally managed production systems.
Posted on February 25, 2015
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2015 Status Report
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2015 Status Report provides data on organic production,
markets and farmer demographics. This report also includes a special section on organic grain, including possible strategies to increase organic grain production in our state. -
Posted on February 26, 2014
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2014 UW-Madison Research Report
This report summarizes 23 studies conducted by researchers in the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) in partnership with farmers across the state. Those studies look at production practices for the state’s main agricultural products as well as farm management and marketing.
Posted on April 23, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Shepherd’s Grain
In the mid 1980s, a pair of wheat producers, Karl Kupers and Fred Fleming, became convinced that the conventional dryland wheat farming they were practicing was not sustainable in the Palouse region of eastern Washington.
Posted on January 19, 2012
Cover Crops Case Studies: Gary Sommers Farm
This case study shares the experience of one Wisconsin farmer who has been growing cover crops on his cash grain farm for twenty years. He presents his philosophy of cover crop use, explains what cover crop management practices have and have not worked on his farm, and describes what benefits he sees from growing cover crops.
Posted on August 1, 2004
Do farming practices affect corn and soybean quality traits? (Research Brief #70)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) Grain farmers can help the environment by expanding their corn-soybean rotations to include additional crops. Research has shown that expanded rotations can […]