Category: Farm to Institution
Posted on December 6, 2013
Wisconsin Farm to School Directories
Are you a food service director interested in sourcing and serving locally grown produce in your lunchroom? Are you a farmer interested in selling your fresh produce to a local school district? Wisconsin Farm to School has created two directories that can help build connections between farms and schools.
Posted on October 14, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Full Circle
Full Circle is an organic farm to table delivery service based in western Washington that grows, sources and distributes fresh produce to West Coast communities on a subscription basis.
Posted on September 13, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Home Grown Wisconsin Co-op
Home Grown Wisconsin was a cooperative, multi-farm wholesale and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) food business founded in 1996 in south central Wisconsin. They successfully sold fresh produce to upscale restaurants and CSA customers in the Chicago area for more than 10 years.
Posted on September 10, 2013
Using Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Studies in University Classes
This instructor guide provides resources for using the Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Studies in three types of university courses: agricultural and food marketing, cooperatives, and food systems.
Posted on August 20, 2013
Values-Based Food Suppy Chain Case Study: Red Tomato
Red Tomato is a non-profit organization that carries out marketing and distribution functions for 40 fruit and vegetable farmers, mostly in the northeastern U.S.
Posted on June 18, 2013
Values-Based Food Suppy Chain Case Study: Country Natural Beef
Country Natural Beef started with 14 ranching families marketing 200 head of natural beef cattle in 1987. In recent years, the cooperative has nearly 100 member ranches in multiple states that raise more than 100,000 brood cows, manage more than 6 million acres of land and sell almost $50 million of products.
Posted on June 4, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Good Earth Farms
Begun in 2005 by Mike and Deb Hansen in central Wisconsin, Good Earth Farms
includes five operations that sell nearly all of their certified organic meat through the internet. -
Posted on April 23, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Organic Valley
In 1988, a small group of organic vegetable growers in Wisconsin formed a cooperative to provide stable and fair prices to its members. It evolved into Organic Valley, the largest organic, farmer-owned cooperative in North America.
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Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Co-op Partners Warehouse
Co-op Partners Warehouse was established in 1999 by the Wedge Natural Foods Co-op in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This certified organic wholesale distribution warehouse serves retail stores, food service businesses and buying clubs throughout the Upper Midwest.
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Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Idaho’s Bounty
Idaho’s Bounty was founded in 2007 as a cooperative with both customer and producer members. It provides logistical support for a direct-to-consumer, Internet-based food buying club.