Category: Farming System
Posted on September 15, 2015
Potential carbon sequestration and forage gains with management-intensive rotational grazing (Research Brief #95)
Do pastures under management-intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) differ from grasslands under other management in terms of forage quality and quantity, carbon sequestration and biological soil activity? Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison set out to answer these questions and discover some of the reasons behind differences in pasture productivity.
Posted on May 19, 2015
The Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial: Long-Term Research for Resilient Agriculture
The Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial (WICST) was established in 1989 in response to farmers and others making a case for long-term research on low-input farming. WICST set out to investigate both the benefits and limitations of alternative agriculture through replicated research on the productivity, profitability and environmental impacts of both sustainably and conventionally managed production systems.
Posted on May 14, 2015
Reducing Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico
Despite more than 40 years of largely voluntary efforts by federal, state, and local government, and tens of billions of US dollars of investment in conservation, nationwide progress on nutrient control has not yet been achieved.
Posted on February 25, 2015
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2015 Status Report
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2015 Status Report provides data on organic production,
markets and farmer demographics. This report also includes a special section on organic grain, including possible strategies to increase organic grain production in our state. -
Posted on March 14, 2014
Whole-Farm Modeled Phosphorus Loss Low on Grazing Dairy Farms (Research Brief #94)
Because agriculture is a major nonpoint phosphorus pollution source, there is strong interest in identifying and managing farm sources of phosphorus runoff. On dairy farms, possible sources of this runoff include cropland, grazed pastures, and outside cattle holding areas such as barnyards and overwintering lots. A new study based on modeled data for four dairy farms that use managed grazing found that these farms have very low phosphorus losses on a whole farm basis.
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Productivity and Nitrogen Retention Tradeoffs in Bioenergy Grasslands (Research Brief #93)
Perennial grassland cropping systems may someday be managed as an alternative source of biofuel that requires fewer fertilizer inputs. This alternative biofuel can also reduce competition with food crops because land that is unsuitable for row crops may be used for perennial grasslands.
Posted on February 26, 2014
Organic Agriculture in Wisconsin: 2014 UW-Madison Research Report
This report summarizes 23 studies conducted by researchers in the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) in partnership with farmers across the state. Those studies look at production practices for the state’s main agricultural products as well as farm management and marketing.
Posted on January 28, 2014
Above- and below-ground grass growth responds to grazing management (Research Brief 91)
How is grass productivity above and below ground affected by grazing at different heights or by leaving different residuals after grazing? A study at UW-Madison found no simple answer to this question. Productivity of pasture grasses varies across grazing management strategies and species.
Posted on December 19, 2013
CIAS Eco-Fruit Program Receives Wisconsin Idea Award
Since 2000, the CIAS Eco-Fruit program has been helping growers reduce or eliminate risk from pesticides by using IPM. Participating growers have reduced their pesticide risk by 46 percent and increased their reliance on IPM strategies by 54 percent.
Posted on October 14, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Full Circle
Full Circle is an organic farm to table delivery service based in western Washington that grows, sources and distributes fresh produce to West Coast communities on a subscription basis.