Category: Grazing/Perennial
Posted on May 1, 2013
Growing the Pasture-Grazed Dairy Sector in Wisconsin
The vast majority of dairy cattle in the United States never see the outdoors while they’re lactating. Over 50% of the milk produced in
the US comes from just 1750 large farms, primarily in California, Idaho, New Mexico, and Texas. In contrast, about 22% or more than 3000 of Wisconsin’s dairy farmers use managed grazing. Can the unique features of milk from pastured cows contribute to the resurgence of an artisan dairy tradition? -
Posted on April 22, 2013
Wisconsin Grazing Activities Resource List
The Wisconsin Grazing Activities Resource List (2013) contains information on current managed grazing and pasture-related organizations, contacts and research initiatives.
Posted on January 25, 2013
Farm Business Principles for Success
Directors and educators with the Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers (WSBDF) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison share advice and principles for starting and operating a successful farm business.
Posted on January 23, 2013
Managed Grazing’s Effects on Soil Quality and Structure
A long-term southern Wisconsin cropping systems study shows that soils under managed grazing have a number of positive characteristics compared to soils under other cropping systems.
Posted on January 15, 2013
Mentor-Intern Handbook for Dairy and Livestock Farmers
This handbook will help mentors develop their teaching skills as they progress through their first—or perhaps fortieth—internship.
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Fun Grazing Facts Fortune Teller
Geared toward elementary school-aged children, this fortune teller is a fun project that teaches kids about food, livestock, wildlife on farms and Wisconsin agriculture. We […]
Posted on January 2, 2013
Pastured Heifers Grow Well and Have Productive First Lactations
Dairy heifers that were raised on pasture in the ongoing Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems
Trial (WICST) performed as well as or better than similar heifers that were raised in confinement. -
Posted on July 3, 2012
Growing Wisconsin’s Grazing Future: Results of the Blue Sky Greener Pastures Consultation Process
For a wide variety of economic, environmental and social reasons, it makes good sense to regard the practice of managed grazing as an effective system for strengthening dairy and livestock farming in Wisconsin. The UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) partnered with GrassWorks, Inc. to develop a statewide, participatory discussion about managed grazing that they called “Blue Sky Greener Pastures” (BSGP).
Posted on March 28, 2012
Wisconsin Grazing Initiative 2012 Report
The Wisconsin Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative funded several innovative grazing-related projects from 2009 to 2011. The Wisconsin Grazing Initiative 2012 Report details the 21 educational […]
Posted on January 19, 2012
Cover Crops Case Studies: Gary Sommers Farm
This case study shares the experience of one Wisconsin farmer who has been growing cover crops on his cash grain farm for twenty years. He presents his philosophy of cover crop use, explains what cover crop management practices have and have not worked on his farm, and describes what benefits he sees from growing cover crops.