Category: Local and Regional Food
Posted on April 30, 2015
Food Systems Policy Analysis: Milwaukee
This is the final presentation of a graduate seminar led by Marcia Caton Campbell and Steve Ventura. The students will share the results of a […]
Posted on October 9, 2014
F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture
F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture is a student organization working to promote sustainable agriculture at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. This UW-Madison student organization is affiliated with CIAS.
Posted on October 14, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Full Circle
Full Circle is an organic farm to table delivery service based in western Washington that grows, sources and distributes fresh produce to West Coast communities on a subscription basis.
Posted on September 13, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Home Grown Wisconsin Co-op
Home Grown Wisconsin was a cooperative, multi-farm wholesale and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) food business founded in 1996 in south central Wisconsin. They successfully sold fresh produce to upscale restaurants and CSA customers in the Chicago area for more than 10 years.
Posted on August 20, 2013
Values-Based Food Suppy Chain Case Study: Red Tomato
Red Tomato is a non-profit organization that carries out marketing and distribution functions for 40 fruit and vegetable farmers, mostly in the northeastern U.S.
Posted on May 1, 2013
Growing the Pasture-Grazed Dairy Sector in Wisconsin
The vast majority of dairy cattle in the United States never see the outdoors while they’re lactating. Over 50% of the milk produced in
the US comes from just 1750 large farms, primarily in California, Idaho, New Mexico, and Texas. In contrast, about 22% or more than 3000 of Wisconsin’s dairy farmers use managed grazing. Can the unique features of milk from pastured cows contribute to the resurgence of an artisan dairy tradition? -
Posted on April 23, 2013
Values-Based Food Supply Chain Case Study: Idaho’s Bounty
Idaho’s Bounty was founded in 2007 as a cooperative with both customer and producer members. It provides logistical support for a direct-to-consumer, Internet-based food buying club.
Posted on September 13, 2010
The Driftless Region Food and Farm Project
The Driftless Region Food and Farm Project is a coalition of farmers, consumers, institutions, agencies and organizations. Together, they aspire to meet the growing demand for local food by scaling up the production, aggregation, processing, distribution and marketing of food in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
Posted on September 1, 2010
Tiers of the Food System: A New Way of Thinking About Local and Regional Food
From farmers’ markets to supermarkets, there is a spectrum of relationships between consumers and the businesses that grow, process, distribute and market their food. Small-scale, local food production is often contrasted with the anonymity of global, industrial food production, resulting in a black and white portrayal of local and global food systems. In reality, the food system is far more complex than local versus global and artisanal versus industrial.
Posted on July 7, 2010
Perceptions of Raw Milk’s Risks and Benefits (Research Brief #83)
Raw milk for human consumption that has not been pasteurized is a controversial product. Unpasteurized milk may contain pathogens that can lead to serious illness. Nonetheless, a study led by researchers Özlem Altıok and Michael Bell of the UW-Madison Department of Community and Environmental Sociology found that customers cite improving their health among the top reasons for drinking raw milk. A growing number of consumers feel that pasteurization robs milk of some of its nutritional and health benefits.