Category: Local and Regional Food
Posted on April 29, 2010
Economic Potential of Increased Fruit and Vegetable Production in the Upper Midwest
Expanding the fruit and vegetable industry in the Upper Midwest could have a huge economic impact in the region. A new analysis from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, in collaboration with CIAS and other regional partners, estimated potential state and regional economic values associated with increased production of fresh fruit and vegetables in a six-state area.
Posted on January 5, 2010
Scaling Up: Meeting the Demand for Local Food
Robust local and regional food systems offer social, environmental and economic benefits. Increasingly, wholesale buyers are demanding locally grown food and growers are looking for new regional markets. To develop informed business development strategies for Wisconsin farmers and other supply chain start-ups, the UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) and UW-Extension Agricultural Innovation Center studied and documented eleven models of regional food aggregation and distribution.
Posted on September 30, 2009
Grass-Based Dairy Products: Challenges and Opportunities
There is growing consumer interest in dairy products from grass-fed cows. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental, health and taste benefits of eating dairy and other animal products from livestock fed using managed grazing. If this interest translates into demand, it may open new value-added markets for farmers who use managed grazing.
Posted on June 11, 2008
Food and the Mid-Level Farm
Food and the Mid-Level Farm makes it clear that the demise of midsize farms and ranches is not a foregone conclusion and that the renewal of an agriculture of the middle will benefit all participants in the food system-from growers to consumers.
Posted on August 6, 2007
Uncommon Fruits with Sustainability Potential
Since 2003, Carandale Farm has been evaluating 42 unusual fruits for environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The goal is to find nutrient-rich fruits that can […]
Posted on August 11, 2004
Working with Retail Buyers
This report provides background information for farmers who are considering selling their products through retail stores. Is retail the right option for you and your […]
Posted on February 1, 2004
Home Grown Wisconsin: Marketing fresh produce cooperatively (Research Brief #69)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) Home Grown Wisconsin (HGW) is a cooperative wholesale business located in south-central Wisconsin that markets produce from member farms to restaurants in […]
Posted on January 1, 2004
Community Supported Agriculture farms: management and income (Research Brief #68)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) One critical goal of the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement is to sustain farm families economically. CSA farms offer memberships to consumers, […]
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Community Supported Agriculture farms: national survey results (Research Brief #67)
Printer-friendly version (PDF) After years of innovation and perspiration, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) continues to grow and evolve. A CSA farm raises food for “farm […]
Posted on October 2, 2003
CSA Across the Nation: Findings from the 1999 and 2001 CSA Surveys
The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement in the United States has grown to include over 1,000 farms that are linking growers and customers in unique […]