Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction: An Investment in the Future of Wisconsin Agriculture
The Pesticide Use and Risk Reduction (PURR) Project was initiated in 1998 to help farmers anticipate the effects of more restrictive federal pesticide regulation. Fourteen agricultural organizations participated in this project. The project built new, lasting partnerships between the participating institutions, farm organizations and nonprofit groups. As a result of these partnerships and the resources invested by the project, the following outcomes were realized:
Participants identified common goals on issues of pest management, and worked together to research and address these issues.
Wisconsin’s agricultural sector was granted access to additional resources to address pest management research and outreach needs.
Wisconsin producers increased their IPM knowledge. The PURR Project supported workshops, on-farm trials, field guides, scorecards, roadside signs, and the Think IPM Web site.
Project researchers and their farmer-clients learned about the effectiveness of biological, cultural, physical, and low-risk chemical controls for pests.