Field Day and Seafood Lunch: Can Conservation Pay?

Join Iowa County’s Uplands Watershed Group for a farm tour and discussion about the economics of conservation. Then enjoy brats and seafood caught by Gulf fishermen, whose challenges with nutrient buildup and biological die-off in the Gulf Dead Zone are aided by our conservation practices.
Dolan Farms, 5443 County Rd ZZ, Dodgeville, WI 53533
9:45 – Refreshments
10:00 – Speakers on economics of no-till, nutrient management plans
10:40 – Tour Ryan Dolan’s cover crops
11:20 – Speakers – Cover crops following corn silage, manure in cover crop systems
12:00 – Lunch (hear from Gulf fishermen)
Click here to RSVP, so we can prepare enough food for lunch!
For more information, contact Margaret Krome, (608) 238-1440, or Gene Schriefer, Iowa County Extension, (608) 930-9850.