Food and the Wisconsin Idea: Spreading the Practice of Relational Networking
Food, Agriculture, and Health are three complex systems that intertwine to create each of our daily realities. Jessica Jane Spayde, Statewide Coordinator of the Wisconsin Local Food Network, will apply the concepts of “relational governance” to networking strategies that build community and empower individuals by strengthening these systems in intentional and sustainable ways. According to Spayde, it begins with “a willingness to exchange worldviews.” Key partners from UW Extension, Wisconsin Farmers Union, DATCP Farm to School, and Feeding Wisconsin will help demonstrate the practice of relational networking. Audience participation will be encouraged!
Option 1 – Join our live studio audience: Seating is limited to 60.
University Club, Library Mall, 803 State Street, Madison (parking at 415 N. Lake)
Free appetizers, cash bar immediately following the program
Option 2 – Join via Zoom video-conferencing: Limit is 100.
For details and registration, please see the event flyer.