Keeping Water in our Soil: Uplands Watershed Group Farm Tour and Farmer-Fisherman Lunch

9:20am: Stapleton Grain and Hay Farm, 5952 County Road Z, Spring Green, WI
10:45am: Cates Grass-fed Beef Farm, 5992 County Road T, Spring Green, WI
Farm tours will be followed by lunch at the Cates Farm, compliments of the Uplands Watershed Group
Come discuss practices that are useful for your farm and help water infiltrate your soil. See no-till drilling, cover crops and managed pasture systems that conserve soil and nutrients. Look inside a soil pit and see in-field soil testing. Then enjoy burgers and seafood caught by fishermen in the Gulf, whose challenges with nutrient build-up and biological die-off in the Dead Zone we seek to help through our conservation practices. Hear Gulf fisherman Lance Naclo explain why it matters.
Questions? Contact Margaret Krome, Michael Fields Agricultural Institute: (608) 283-1440, mkrome@sbcglobal,net
or Gene Schriefer, Iowa County Extension: (608) 930-9850