Shaft is at the Roosevelt!: Race and Cultural Geography in Chicago’s Loop, 1970-1975
Land Tenure Center Spring 2016 Lecture Series
Speaker: Gerald Butters, Professor of History, Aurora University
Gerald R. Butters, Jr. is a Professor of History at Aurora University. He also teaches in the Masters of Liberal Studies program at Northwestern University. A Fulbright scholar, Dr. Butters has published three books including From Sweetback to Superfly: Race and Film Audiences in Chicago’s Loop (2015), Banned in Kansas: Motion Picture Censorship, 1915-1966 (2007) and Black Manhood on the Silent Screen (2002). In Fall 2016, he (and Novotny Lawrence’s) edited collection Beyond Blaxploitation will be published by Wayne State University Press. Butters’ work has appeared in Flow, Choice, Reviews in American History, Cercles, The Journal for Multimedia History, Film and History and Film/Literature Quarterly. Butters has lectured internationally, including an address to the European Commission in Luxembourg in 2009.
Contact Brad Paul with questions.