The Middle Way: Metropolitan Foodsheds, Regional Economy and Resilience
Weston Roundtable Series
Speaker: Michelle Miller, Associate Director of Programs, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Cities are drivers of complex national and global economies that are operating outside of natural limits in efforts to maximize efficiency, especially labor and energy efficiencies. That is, cities are extractive and unsustainable, especially where food is concerned. Efforts to localize agriculture are not scaled to meet urban needs. Sustainable agriculture and the regional economic infrastructure necessary to move food to market offer a middle way to optimize food system efficiencies and resilience concurrently. What system efficiencies are critical to feeding cities? What are the indicators of food system resilience? How can we optimize them both in a complex adaptive system like our food system?
Coffee, tea and cookies at 4pm
For more information, visit the Weston Roundtable Series web page.