Turning Grain into Dough: Farm Financial Management for Organic Grain and Crop Rotation

As of 2019 the five-year average farm gate price of organic corn in the U.S. is around $9 per bushel while the average for conventional corn has been about $3.50. Is it any wonder that some farmers are looking at what it takes to transition to certified organic production?
While prices for organic commodities look very attractive to farmers facing several straight years of declining net farm income, the transition to organic is neither simple nor inexpensive. The decision to transition must be made thoughtfully, and is much more than an economic decision. A farmer must be willing to commit to a significant shift in production philosophy, not just a change in practices in order to succeed.
Thousands of farmers who have transitioned to organic production have found the commitment and change needed personally and financially worthwhile. This publication will help you estimate the financial implications of a decision to take on organic crop transition, in hopes of enhancing your chances of success.