Uncommon Fruits with Sustainability Potential

Since 2003, Carandale Farm has been evaluating 42 unusual fruits for environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The goal is to find nutrient-rich fruits that can be grown easily, without a lot of labor or chemicals. The fruits must provide economic viability for the farm. Carandale owners Dale and Cindy Secher are developing a “short list” of unusual fruits that farmers can grow to develop local markets and local food systems.
The following two publications provide details about the Carandale fruit trials and fruit crops that have shown promise in these trials:
Uncommon Fruit Crops With Sustainability Potential (PDF). Provides information about the cultivation, economic potential, health characteristics, environmental considerations, and marketing potential for the eight most promising fruits in the Carandale trial. Written for growers.
Uncommon Fruits at Carandale Farm (PDF brochure). Provides more general information about the four most promising fruits found in the Carandale trial, and how they fit into a sustainable food system. Written for a general audience.