New Fall Course, “Organic Livestock and Pasture Management”, open to the public

*NEW* An Sci/Dy Sci 375 – Organic Livestock and Pasture Management, 3 credits (or non-for credit, open to the public option)
Open to undergraduate and graduate students – as well as community members!
Meets Tues/Thurs from 1-2:15pm and will include an all-day field trip to several local organic livestock farms.
Description: Explores organic livestock and pasture management from both the animal and the farmer’s perspective. The first half will focus on the principles of pasture management as they relate to organic livestock systems and the second half will focus on organic management and husbandry practices. The course will be taught in a seminar format with discussion time set aside for each class and will include a field trip to organic livestock farms in the area. Students will learn from UW faculty and staff, agency personnel, veterinarians, and organic farmers.
Contact: Nadia Alber at to ask more questions about the course