Healthy Food Systems Poster Session
November 14, 2014, 2:00pm
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Atrium
Apply online—applications due Nov. 7 (deadline extended)
Sometimes it is all about food. We can buy something to eat almost everywhere, but finding healthy food can still be a difficult task. Wisconsin and the nation need a healthier food system. Last spring, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences held a strategic planning event that demonstrated a strong college interest in the development and maintenance of healthier food systems. Attendees from across the college expressed outstanding ideas and indicated that food systems projects were already in progress. Many attendees, however, appeared to be working on these ideas and projects alone or in small groups.
To reduce the barriers to communication and facilitate productive cross-campus collaboration, we have scheduled a HEALTHY FOOD SYSTEMS poster session for Nov. 14. Posters will be available for viewing in conjunction with a keynote lecture by Dr. Jules Pretty, an internationally recognized expert in sustainable agriculture from the University of Essex.
Sustainable Intensification in Agricultural Systems
DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, Nov. 14 at 3:00pm
Poster session:
Healthy Food Systems
WID Atrium. Viewing will be from 2:00 to 3:00pm and after the lecture.
Poster categories include:
- Consumer access to healthy food
- Production and distribution of healthy food
- Healthy food consumption by children
- Other related topics
Within these categories, we welcome a wide range of topics from all disciplines. Examples of poster topics include, but are not limited to: sustainable supply chain issues, food system economics, healthy soil for heathy food, breeding healthy food crops, urban agriculture, farm to school or institution, K-12 education on nutrition and food systems, fair trade, and food transportation.
Posters are welcome from all interested presenters, but only trainees presenting posters are eligible for an award competition. Click here to apply for the poster session. Applications are due Nov. 7, 2014.
This poster session is a joint effort of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems and Wisconsin Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes.
Poster guidelines
Poster dimensions and content up to you. However, the maximum poster size is 46″ x 46″. We will provide you with a poster board and pins.
Posters should be set up before 2pm and removed at 5pm.
Trainees must be present at the poster session to be eligible for awards.
Special trainee poster competition
Trainee posters will be judged on how well the work increases understanding of, or improves the poster categories:
- Consumer access to healthy food
- Production and distribution of healthy food
- Healthy food consumption by children
- Other related topics
Within each category, first place will receive $50 and second place will receive $25. There will be a grand prize of $200 for the overall best poster.
Trainee award eligibility criteria:
- Applicant must be an undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral trainee
- Applicant must be first author of their poster
- Posters should not have been used for other campus-wide events, but may have been presented at national or regional meetings