
Research is central to the mission of CIAS. We apply multidisciplinary, participatory, systems-oriented approaches to address emerging challenges in production agriculture and the food system.

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Because CIAS was created to build sustainable agriculture research programs that respond to farmer and citizen needs, relationships are at the core of everything we do. Our connections with the CIAS Citizens Advisory Council and other practitioners firmly place our research in real-world challenges and constraints.

CIAS’ model of inquiry welcomes research that is basic or applied; occurs in the field or lab; and may be short- or long-term. We convene collaborative research teams, including our Faculty Associates, that integrate the biological and social sciences, and humanities, into research characterized by rigorous experimental design, hypothesis testing, analysis and synthesis. Results are strategically communicated through both peer-reviewed publications and outreach to farmers, consultants and other practitioners. This approach closely links our research activities, research outcomes and outreach activities. With an emphasis on integration, CIAS possesses the capacity to address complex environmental, economic and social challenges through long-term research that transcends typical grant cycles.