Module V Standards
Content Standards Reference Table for Module V: A Growing Market: Organic Agriculture
National Academic Standards reference document [PDF]
Performance Standards (Projected Learner Outcomes from Activities) |
National Agricultural Education Standards Performance Element or Performance Indicators |
Activity Number |
1. Define organic agriculture. | PS.03.04 Apply principles and practices of sustainable agriculture to plant production. | A-1 |
2. Explain the history of organic agriculture movement and markets. | FPP.01 Examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing. | A-1 |
3. Compare and contrast traditional agriculture and organic agriculture. (explain why there are two sides to the organic agriculture issue) | FPP.01 Examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing. FPP.01.01 Evaluate the significance and implications of changes and trends in the food products and processing industry. |
A-1 |
4. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the key historic people in the organic agriculture movement. | FPP.01 Examine components of the food industry and historical development of food products and processing. FPP.01.01 Evaluate the significance and implications of changes and trends in the food products and processing industry. |
A-1 |
5. Formulate an opinion about organic agriculture practices and approaches. | CS.01.05 Desire purposeful understanding related to professional and personal activities. CS.11 Utilize scientific inquiry as an investigative method. CS.11.01 Recognize the questions and theory needed to guide scientific investigations. |
A-2 |
6. Formulate questions about organic agriculture and research answers. | CS.11 Utilize scientific inquiry as an investigative method. CS.11.01 Recognize the questions and theory needed to guide scientific investigations. |
A-2 |
7. Compile and analyze survey results. | CS.11 Utilize scientific inquiry as an investigative method. RST.9-10.7 & RST.11-12.7. Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words. (English Language Arts Standards for Science & Technical Subjects) RST.9-10.8 & RST.11-12.8. Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claim or a recommendation for solving a scientific or technical problem. ( English Language Arts Standards for Science & Technical Subjects ) |
A-2 |
8. Apply a variety of measures of sustainability to real life examples of sustainable farms | PS.03.04 Apply principles and practices of sustainabile agricutlure to plant production. | B-1 |
9. Identify examples of organic agriculture in your area, state and globally. | PS.03.04 Apply principles and practices of sustainabile agricutlure to plant production. | B-1 |
10. Develop critical reading skills. | RST.9-10.2 & RST.11-12.2. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text. RST.9-10.10 & RST.11-12.10. By the end of grade 10 & 12, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 9–10 & 11-12 text complexity band independently and proficiently. |
B-1 |
11. Apply ecological analysis to organic production systems. | NRS.04 Demonstrate techniques used to protect natural resources. ESS.01 Use analytical procedures to plan and evaluate environmental service systems. PS.02.01 Determine the influence of environmental factors on plant growth. |
C-1 |
12. Identify and describe key organic practices for both crop and livestock production. | PS.03.02 Develop and implement a plant management plan for crop production. PS.03.04 Apply principles and pratices of sustainable agriculture to plant production. ABS.02 Utilize appropriate management planning principles in AFNR business enterprises. |
C-1 |
13. Research technical information about organic agriculture. | NRS.01 Explain interrelationships between natural resources and humans necessary to conduct management activities in natural environments. NRS.01.01 Apply knowledge of natural resource components to the management of natural resource systems. |
C-1 |
14. Describe how cultural practices conserve and build soil. | ESS.03 Apply scientific principles to environmental service systems. ESS.03.02 Apply soil science principles to environmental service systems. |
C-1 |
15. Apply the organic regulations to the development of a nutrient management plan. | PS.02 Prepare and implement a plant management plan that addresses the influence of environmental factors, nutrients and soil on plant growth. PS.02.03 Develop and implement a fertilization plan for specific plants or crops. |
C-2 |
16. Identify and describe agricultural pollution sources and the relationship between agricultural resources and pollutants. | CS.09 Compare and contrast issues affecting the AFNR industry. NRS.02.06 Apply ecological concepts and prinicples to natural resource systems. |
C-3 |
17. Identify and describe allowed, restricted, and prohibited materials in organic agriculture. | ESS.02 Prepare and implement a plant management plan that addresses the influence of environmnetal factors, nutrients and soil on plant growth. ABS.07.02 Develop a production and operational plan. |
C-4 |
18. Research and read information sources on agricultural inputs, including the labels, material safety data sheets, and the OMRI list. | CS.07 Demonstrate appropriate health and safety procedures for AFNR occupations. CS.07.04 Assess workplace safety. CS.08 Use tools, equipment, machinery and technology appropriate to work within areas related to AFNR. FPP.01.02 Work effectively with industry and organic grops and regulatory agencies affecting the food prodcts and processing industry. |
C-4 |
19. Apply principles of managing a property for biodiversity. | NRS.01 Explain interrelationships between natural resources and humans necessary to conduct managemetn activities in natural environments. NRS.01.01 Apply knowledge of natural resource components to the management of natural resource systems. ESS.02 Assess the impact of policies and regulations on environmental service systems. |
C-5 |