Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we cannot schedule and plan for this program (traditionally offered in February) given all the unknowns surrounding whether face-to-face instruction will be possible in February and whether the program would attract enough participants. Planning has begun to create some videos using some of the material from the Cut Flower Grower School. These videos will be available through the CIAS website with this page as a portal. If you are interested in receiving updates on the availability of these videos, send an email to John Hendrickson (jhendric@wisc.edu). Thank you and we apologize for the interruption in our beginning grower school programming.
CIAS beginning grower schools on Facebook
The Wisconsin Cut Flower Growers School is a two-day workshop designed to help new and beginning growers learn the ins and outs of producing and marketing cut flowers.
Learn from experienced growers about variety selection, seed starting, planting and harvest schedules and methods, post-harvest handling, pest management, tools and equipment, and direct marketing. Find out how to turn your passion for flowers into a sustainable small business. Network with other growers in and around Wisconsin. Handle small tools at a show-and-tell table. Speakers will emphasize sustainable and organic production practices.
This workshop will help you answer questions such as:
- How much income can be earned from an acre of cut flowers?
- How much labor and capital investment are involved?
- What are farmers’ market customers and florists looking for in cut flowers and bouquets?
- How do I select varieties to grow and schedule plantings?
Lunches and morning and afternoon snacks will be provided.
For more information, contact:
John Hendrickson
Phone: (608) 265-3704
E-mail: jhendric@wisc.edu